Research Paper Pick your famous African American
K-W-S chart What I know?What I want to learn? Possible Sources Obama is president Obama is well-known Obama has 2 daughters Obama is 1 st Afr. Amer. Pres
K-W-S chart What I know?What I want to learn? Possible Sources Why did Obama decide to run for president? How did Obama do in school? Does he have a big family?
K-W-S chart What I know?What I want to learn? Possible Sources internet portal library book SS textbook
Write questions on 5 W’s & H handout in Writing Folder Think about your K-W-S chart; use this to formulate questions about your famous African American. This will be duplicated and used again in your gathering grid lesson. See examples of questions about researching Barack Obama.
Barack Obama Example Who is Obama? What did he do before he was famous? When did he become popular? Where is he from? Where does he live now? Why is he so well-known today? Why did Obama decide to run for president? How did Obama do in school?
Homework-finish filling out handout Go to library and check out book Bring index cards to use for notes
SS-day 3 Now let’s talk about sources
What are examples of sources? Print/books-nonfiction, reference, magazines or newspapers Technology-CD Rom encyclopedias, on-line articles
What are the two kinds of sources? pprimary source- firsthand information about an event, a place, or time period ssecondary source- information from someone who did not witness an event
Two kinds of sources Primary and Secondary Sources-Academic Vocabulary Historians use a wide variety of sources to answer questions about the past. In their research, history scholars use both primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources are actual records that have survived from the past, such as letters, photographs, articles of clothing. Secondary sources are accounts of the past created by people writing about events sometime after they happened. For example, your history textbook is a secondary source. Someone wrote most of your textbook long after historical events took place. Your textbook may also include some primary sources, such as direct quotes from people living in the past or excerpts from historical documents. People living in the past left many clues about their lives. These clues include both primary and secondary sources in the form of books, personal papers, government documents, letters, oral accounts, diaries, maps, photographs, reports, novels and short stories, artifacts, coins, stamps, and many other things. Historians call all of these clues together the historical record.
Mindwalk activity Think about what you have done in the past 24 hours. Did you create any records of your activities (a diary, notes to yourself, a letter to a friend or relative, an message, a telephone message)? Would traces of your activities appear in records someone else created (a friend's diary, notes, or calendar entry; a letter or from a friend or relative)? Would traces of your activities appear in school records? in the school or local newspaper? Would anyone be able to offer testimony (or oral history) about your activities (who and why)? Think about the trash you have thrown away; Material objects you use every day (coins, paper money, stamps, computers); Objects in the place you live (especially in your own bedroom) Items in your cubby at school.
Examples of Primary Sources When looking at pictures, think… What do I see? What is the time period? How African Americans living at this time?
Here are some good examples of primary sources to look for… Pictures Autobiographies Interviews journals Eyewitness news from that time Here are others.. Here are others..
Slave Quarters The Hermitage, Nashville, TN
Poor Sharecroppers A sharecropper and wife in Mississippi. They have no tools, stock, equipment, or garden. Is this before or after Civil War? After.
King Cotton-Memphis, 1907 Why is cotton still so important to South?
What are they doing? Hint--
1936 What is this poster promoting? African American Band Time Period? WPA-one of Pres. Roosevelt’s New Deal Plans During Great Depression
Let’s take a look at these sites to find information… tn primary sets tn primary sets voices of civil rights voices of civil rights