Instructional design and motivation wanting to learn
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Situated knowledge context is part of meaning and knowledge language and vocabulary – jargon, slang supported knowledge – recognizing faces in unfamiliar settings implication transfer between school and real world is a factor in effectiveness of formal learning
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Situated learning make context of learning as ‘real’ as possible provides relevant transferable support collaboration, goal-directed activities reduces effect of school culture marks, testing can games do this?
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Instructional design Structuring content to be learned Planning how to present support practice evaluate the content Situated design aims to make experience as ‘real’ as possible
COSC 4126 ID and motivation ID based on epitome and elaboration epitome is a complete and simple model of learning to come enough for peripheral participation meaningful, contextualizes learning elaboration matches increasing situated participation
COSC 4126 ID and motivation ID – content structure kinds of structure (Wilson 1986) taxonomies procedures models
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Taxonomies hierarchical structures - trees - of concepts or types java class hierarchy biological classification interconnected hierarchies can be tabulations or lattices ‘multiple inheritance’
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Procedures types of procedure organized in a hierarchy (e.g. Rubik’s cube example) procedure as sequence of steps or decision tables – epitome has few steps … aid choking victim aid standing / sitting victim aid victim lying down aid infant or small child
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Procedures – sequence of steps 1.stand behind victim 2.wrap arms around waist thumb and fist against abdomen, palm down 4.exert quick upward thrust 5.repeat four times if necessary aid standing / sitting victim
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Models attempt to capture relations among concepts in some form (causal, spatial, temporal) decide a primary kind of relation to represent cross section of a tree Ohm’s law: current = potential difference / resistance
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Models - form spatial diagrams sequences formulas, theories
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Epitome and Elaborations based on the content structure epitome: where to start? based on the content – simplicity, completeness,… the context – background, interest, goals, relevance elaboration: how to proceed based on the content – prerequisites the context – participation, goals
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Educational view of motivation: performance = ability plus effort ability determines potential performance effort determines actual achievement motivation determines effort motivation is a function of learner content context presentation
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Motivation – learner factors learner motivation motives beliefs attitudes needs arousal curiosity expectancy expectancy of others locus of control learned helplessness
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Motivation – content factors content motivation relevance familiarity/meaning
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Motivation – context factors context motivation validation of content support distraction
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Motivation – presentation factors presentation motivation stimulation of motivation relevance curiosity perceptions expectancy maintenance of motivation feedback success reward / penalty – intrinsic reward / penalty - extrinsic
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Keller’s model of motivation effortperformanceconsequences person inputs environ- ment inputs motives expectancy motivational design and management learning design and management contingency design and management abilities, skills and knowledge cognitive evaluation, equity
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Motivation and games learner motivation motives beliefs attitudes needs arousal curiosity expectancy expectancy of others locus of control learned helplessness content motivation relevance familiarity/meaning context motivation validation of content support distraction presentation motivation stimulation of motivation relevance curiosity perceptions expectancy maintenance of motivation feedback success reward / penalty – intrinsic reward / penalty - extrinsic
COSC 4126 ID and motivation Keller’s model and games effortperformanceconsequences person inputs environ- ment inputs motives expectancy motivational design and management learning design and management contingency design and management abilities, skills and knowledge cognitive evaluation, equity