Why Has Satan Filled Your Heart to Lie?


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Presentation transcript:

Why Has Satan Filled Your Heart to Lie? Acts 5:3

Why Has Satan Filled Your Heart to Lie? Lying is of Satan God’s word is truth Jn 17:17; Tit 1:2 Satan is a liar; the father of lies Jn 8:44

Why Has Satan Filled Your Heart to Lie? Ways to Lie Tell what is false Gen 3:5 Tell a half truth Gen 20:2; 12 Leave a false impression Gen 37:31-33; Acts 5:1-4 Flatter Acts 12:22 Slander 1 Kgs 21:9-10 Play the hypocrite Lk 20:21; Tit 1:16 Deceive or Trick Acts 8:9-11 Teach False Doctrine 1 Tim 4:1-5

Why Has Satan Filled Your Heart to Lie? Reasons to Lie Benefit Self- Avoid Negative Avoid blame; consequences Ex 32:21-24; 1 Sam 15:14-15 If I told the truth …. Gen 20:11 Escape persecution Mt 26:69-75 Benefit Self- Receive Positive Worldly benefit Acts 5:1-3; 1 Kgs 21:9-10; Acts 12:20-22 Cover up the truth Mt 28:11-15 Manipulate people Jude 16; 1 Thess 2:6 Please men Jer 6:13-14

Why Has Satan Filled Your Heart to Lie? Reasons to Lie Hurt Others (& Sometimes Help Self in the Process) Spite Gen 39:7-15 Destroy someone’s reputation Mt 11:19; Jn 10:20-21 Envy Mt 27:18 Cause persecution Acts 6:11-14 Entice to do wrong Gen 3:4; Prov 1:11-19; 7:21

Why Has Satan Filled Your Heart to Lie? Lying met with God’s swift judgment Acts 5:5-11 Great fear should yet be over the church and over all who hear about the death of Ananias and Sapphira

Why Let Satan Fill Your Heart to Lie? Lay aside falsehood Eph 4:25 Laid aside the old self and have put on new Col 3:9 Liars will be with Satan in lake of fire Rev 20:10; 21:8 Liars will be outside of the city of heaven Rev 22:15