The Economic Transformation of the United States Economy Describe the sectional difference and features and the nature of our dual economy?
Market Revolution Features: Mercantilism v. Free Enterprise Agrarianism or Manufacturing Role of the National Government The Ideology Business Cylces Laissez Faire and Buzzwords Federalists and Republicrats
An Historical Overview Colonial Setting Redux Farmers and Merchants Putting Out System: Hide/Tallow Example Cottage Industries Free Trade and Neutrality The Factory System Two Views: Jefferson v. Hamilton
Legal Precedents and Capitalism Marshall Court Dartmouth Case and Contracts National Bank Charter McCulloch v Maryland Gibbons v Ogden Congress and American System
Role of Technology Patents,Innovations & Yankee Ingenuity Protestant Work Ethic Textiles Industry as Catalyst Interchangeable parts, ass’bly line, and mass production: Ford and Auto Sources of energy for industry The Inventors and Inventions
Transportation and Infrastructure Waterways and Land routes Tariff Policy and Capital Improvements The National Road Project Canals: Erie, Great Lakes and NE Railroads: North and South Foreign Trade and Shipping
The Industrial Revolution What does this mean then and now? Textiles, Slater Mill & Family System Waltham System and Factories Costs of Business Role of Westward Migration Jefferson’s Embargo and its Impact
The Urban Setting: Sign of Times and Industrial Transformation Natural Increases and migration Demand for goods and consumerism Trades, Crafts and Industry Rising Middle Class Demand for cheap labor Role of Immigration: Consider the Irish Potato Famine & Revolutions in Europe
The Labor Movement What are the conditions facing workers? Wage Slavery? Rising Problem of Poverty Women in Textiles Bread and Butter Issues Social Problems