BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Program Director Report
BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Intro: Decision/Rule making policy Club involvement Role of Zone Reps Spring Planning Meetings
BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Coach Zone Reps: K1 1.Willy Raine, Coast (Division Rep) 2.Josee Rochon, Okangan 3.Mike Osatiuk, Kootenay 4.Aaron Speden, Prince George
BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Coach Zone Reps: K2 1.Trevor Haaheim, Okangan (Division Rep) 2.Arne Lund, Coast 3.Derick Berry, Kootenay 4.Aaron Speden, Prince George
BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Coach Zone Reps: FIS 1.Daimion Applegath, Division Rep 2.John Crichton, Okanagan 3.Terry Greene, Kootenay 4.Adam Wells, Prince George
BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Program Update : Kinder 1: –All K1 slaloms Stubbies, national/provincial –Officials Video (Stubbies) –B2B Camp at Apex (6 girls, 6 boys – 12 yrs)
BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Kinder 2: 1.K2 Provincials (all eligible) Mt Washington 2.Western champs ( ) Yukon 3.National champs (10) Banff, Alb 4.Sierra Wireless Whistler Cup – prep camp 5.B2B Camp at Apex, WC pts selection (18) * Skill Events at Provincials and Nationals
BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Junior and FIS: –J1 Nationals, Whistler (30 BC) –B2B FIS program –PGMC Senior Nationals in Quebec –MARS series (Panorama, Apex, Red) –FIS numbers growing !!
BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Coaching: CSCF Head Coach update Entry Level (Level 1) courses
BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Coaches Meeting Update: Conditioning Seminar, Dave Ellis Fitness Testing and Protocol Panorama FIS races, quota Lake Louise NA speed prep camp Provincial exams, possible invigilation –Need names by Oct 29 th !
BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Coaches Meeting Update: Marmot Basin, non-FIS event Mar Apex Kinder B2B Camps, subsidy $200 Alpine Canada Kinder Camp – Calgary –Mark Sharp, CAST staff –Educational, national “B2B”
BC ALPINE SKI ASSOCIATION – Fall AGM 2004 (Oct 23, 2004) Coaches Meeting Update: K2 Westerns – approx $800 FIS course setting Freestyle certification Fitness CD 2004