Timing of entry, distribution, and condition of chum salmon juveniles in western Alaska Nicola Hillgruber Christian E. Zimmerman Sean E. Burril.


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Presentation transcript:

Timing of entry, distribution, and condition of chum salmon juveniles in western Alaska Nicola Hillgruber Christian E. Zimmerman Sean E. Burril

Outline ► Introduction & Background ► Methods ► Results  Fish catches and timing of outmigration  Distribution  Size and condition  Otolith microchemistry ► Conclusions


Kuskokwim Bay, western Alaska Quinhagak Eek Bethel Ishkowik River Kwethluk River

Sampling Stations


Sampling Trips June Week 1: May July Week 2: May August Week 3: May 30-June 5 Week 4: June 6-12

Results Fish abundance and timing of outmigration

Catch summary in 2003 and 2004 Species TotalFork length [mm] Oncorhynchus keta681,2451, Oncorhynchus kisutch Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Oncorhynchus nerka Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Ammodytes hexapterus0739 Clupea pallasii2,03512,036 Osmeridae1,81022,778+24,588 Gasterosteidae1,1171,4322,549 Others

Mean CPUE (±SE) of juvenile chum salmon at the head of Kuskokwim Bay (station 1-3)

Mean CPUE for juvenile salmonids at the head of Kuskokwim Bay (station 1-3) CohoPink ChinookSockeye

Results Environmental factors and juvenile chum salmon distribution

SST and SSS in /06- 6/12 5/16- 5/22 Temperature Salinity

Surface density [m -3 ] of small copepod in /16- 5/22 5/23- 5/29 5/30- 6/05 6/06- 6/12

Chum salmon CPUE in 2004 No Chum – – /16- 5/22 5/23- 5/29 5/30- 6/05 6/06- 6/12

Chum salmon CPUE by SSS

Results Size and condition

Weight and length of chum salmon juveniles Fork Length [mm] Weight [g] FL = mm (Aug/Sept) Farley et al. 0

Energy content by size and month in Aug/Sept (Farley pers. comm.) 815 river km

Results Otolith microchemistry

Determination of saltwater entry for Kuskokwim Bay chum and Chinook salmon Collected at SSS=12

Conclusions ► Chum emigration peaked in early/middle June ► Juveniles followed the river plume before moving into the bay ► Length and weight increased with season ► Condition decreased with size, season, SST ► No distinct saltwater entry signal for chum salmon juveniles

Acknowledgements ► Mikhail Blikshteyn ► Johnny Zutz ► Jim Peacock ► Bill Wiebe ► Wendy Whelan ► Switgard Duesterloh