A SECONDARY PERSPECTIVE Intern Teaching Experience as an integral component of an Education Degree
SCHOOL CULTURE Gain Experience through embracing the school culture Sporting events Assemblies Extra Curricula activities Staff Functions Gain Experience through embracing the school culture Sporting events Assemblies Extra Curricula activities Staff Functions
SKILL DEVELOPMENT Classroom Management Lesson Preparation Voice Training Developing student Rapport ICT Strategies for Learning Quality Teaching Techniques Classroom Management Lesson Preparation Voice Training Developing student Rapport ICT Strategies for Learning Quality Teaching Techniques
PROFESSIONAL MENTORING Learning from experienced Teachers Critical Friend Observation of ‘best practice’ Supported ‘experimentation’ Team Teaching Reflecting on Teaching Strategies Learning from experienced Teachers Critical Friend Observation of ‘best practice’ Supported ‘experimentation’ Team Teaching Reflecting on Teaching Strategies
SUPPORT FOR THE STUDENT AND SUPPORT FOR THE SCHOOL Support systems for both parties Develop a cooperative partnership Resolve problems with positive solutions Support systems for both parties Develop a cooperative partnership Resolve problems with positive solutions
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Freedom to teach To make mistakes Dress Codes RIGHTS Freedom to teach To make mistakes Dress Codes RESPONSIBILITIES Respect the students learning Learn from mistakes You are the Professional Educator
PROMOTE THE PROFESSION Supporting the next generation of Teachers Providing a hand over of experience Adding to the pool of knowledge Developing sustainability within the Profession Supporting the next generation of Teachers Providing a hand over of experience Adding to the pool of knowledge Developing sustainability within the Profession
INSTITUTE OF TEACHERS Begin to prepare the IOT Portfolio Collect examples of work presented Collect different assessment techniques Record of Reflections Begin to prepare the IOT Portfolio Collect examples of work presented Collect different assessment techniques Record of Reflections