Florida Education Data Warehouse Project Overview Feb 26th, 2001
2 Agenda Background 3 Targeted Content 6 5 Technical Aspects High-Level Plan Challenges For more information
1 Project Background and Goals
4 A normal day in the education field What happened in previous year ? Where and how can we improve Education in Florida? What’s going to happen in the future ? Did we make the right/best decision? Hi, I’m a researcher looking for infomation on... How does that compare to what was expected to happen this year (last year)? What’s happening right now ?
5 Current Environment Operational systems isolated by business functions Limited data readily available Various data and technical architectures Users support Lack of reliable, consistent data across delivery systems Technical barriers No Pre K-20 data integration
6 Proposed K-20 Performance/Accountability System How are individual higher education institutions, school districts and schools performing their responsibility to educate their students? How are the major delivery systems performing (K-12, CC, SUS)? How is Florida’s K-20 system performing in terms of educating its students? What is the public getting for the funds invested in Education?
7 The objectives Complete, timely, accurate data Comprehensive data definitions Data from multiple sources and organizations Easy access and manipulation Cross-functional data management and support group Historical data merged with current in a structured repository Integrated technical environment Statewide view
8 Our Mission Provide stakeholders in public education - including, but not limited to, administrators, educators, parents, students, state leadership, and professional organizations - with the capability of receiving timely, efficient, consistent responses to inquiries into Florida’s pre-kindergarten through university education system through university education system by December 2002.
9 n Collaborative development effort with u Department of Education u State Board of Community Colleges u State University System u DMR Consulting n Built in increments (phases) Project Unique Characteristics
10 n Includes all functional parts of the education delivery system K-20 u School districts u Community colleges u State universities n Statewide picture n Historical and current data n Over a 2 year period…we’re just beginning Project Unique Characteristics
11 A wide array of users School Districts State Universities Community Colleges Reporters Media Education Community Students Teachers Parents Legislature Politicians Researchers
2 Targeted content of the EDW
13 From Pre K-12 EDW Central Repository and Datamarts (Current year + 5) - 2,376,128 students (1999) - 10 years of data - Demographic - Course/Program - Funding Staff source data - 268,983 FTS (1999) - 10 years of data - Demographic - Salary/Benefits - Experience - Degrees - In Service - Job Codes (4 times/ year) Selection Process End of Year discipline,retention/ promotion, dropout, graduate/completer Incidents of crime and violence (6 times/Year) Students source data
14 Staff source data - 56,400 empl. (1999) - 10 years of data - Demographic - Salary - Benefits - Course Schedule - Employment Activities - Instruction Activities - Reassignments (3 submissions / year) From Community Colleges EDW Central Repository and Datamarts (Current year + 5) Students source data - 717,561 students (1999) - 10 years+ of data - Demographic - Entry/Exit testing - Acceleration placement - Courses/Programs - Programs - Completion - Financial aid ( 5 submissions / Year) Facilities Sites - 2,219 Facilities - 64,000 rooms Selection Process (+ 1 annual submission)
15 From State University System EDW Central Repository and Datamarts (Current year + 5) Students Source Data - 234,016 students (1999) - 25 years+ of data - Demographic - Admission - Acceleration placement - Courses/grades/credits - Discipline/ academic history - Stipends/waivers/fellows - Financial aid ( 5 times / Year) Staff Source Data - 33,552 empl. (1999) - 10 years of data - Demographic - Salary/Benefits… - Classification... - Appointm. period - Employ./ Instruc. Activities -Rank / Tenure (26 times / year) Facilities - Sites - Facilities - Rooms Selection Process
16 A complex integration process EDW Central Repository and Datamarts (Current year + 5) Identify / Match Reconcile Clean Synchronize Integrate Department of Education data (Pre K-12) Community College data State University data
3 High level plan
18 High Level Schedule ( work in progress) Final Design Release 1 Prototype Preliminary Design Release 2 Release 3 Release 4 Ongoing June 2001 Dec June 2002 Dec Target: 1 release every 6 months
4 Technical aspects
20 Generic Infrastructure DB2, Oracle SQL-Server VSAM, SAM, Sequential Access to source data Transform & load Data transformation & integration Data Warehouse Pre-formattedQuery/reportsOLAP Store Access Data movement Metadata & DW management tools Extract Specialized Data Marts Web tools / portal (Web-DB) ARDENT TOOLS (Datastage) ORACLE Tools Storage & Access Access, Dbase, Foxpro
21 Technical environment Highlights Sun Unix Oracle 8i to 9 Ardent Or-WebDB Or-Discoverer Or-Express 4 terabytes
4 Challenges
23 Management Challenges Reconcile various missions and objectives of agencies involved Agencies’ involvement, collaboration, synergy Manage Scope and Expectations Budget and time boxing Data Warehouse organizational issues Communication
24 Technical Challenges Reconcile Current and Historical Data Common-ID Tools Integration Data Quality Size of the Data Warehouse Multiple sites/platforms Privacy and Security
25 Utilization Challenges User support and training Data & DW Mastering Metadata (comprehensive dictionary) gathering New Tools to learn User Friendliness Trust the DW results
6 Who to contact….
27 n Karen Weaver: n Bernard Sévigny: n Kim McDougal: n Kathy Peck: n Robert McMullen: n Shirley Roddenbery: n DOE Internet site: n SBCC Internet site: n SUS Internet site: n Transition Task Force Internet site: Contact Names and Addresses ndex.html