Human Female Reproductive System Vocabulary ©Richard L. Goldman March 19, 2003 from: Delmar’s Comprehensive Medical Terminology
© Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 2 adnexa areola Bartholin’s gland cervix climacteric clitoris coitus corpus luteum culdesac diaphragm endometrium estrogen fallopian tubes fertilization fimbriae fourchette fundus gamete gonads graafian follicles gynecology hymen Body structures located together Area surrounding the nipple Mucus-secreting glands in vagina Neck of uterus opening into vagina Cessation of menstruation Female erectile tissue Penis inserted into vagina, copulation, sexual intercourse Ruptured follicle secreting progesterone and estrogen Pouch between the uterus an rectum Contraceptive device that covers the cervix Inner lining of the uterus Hormone that promotes secondary female characteristics Pair of tubes that conduct ovum from ovary to uterus Union of ovum and sperm Fingerlike end of the fallopian tube Mucus membrane at posterior rim of vaginal opening Top of uterus Mature sperm or ovum Gamete producing organs – ovary or testis Mature ovarian cyst containing ripe ovum Branch of medicine – female reproductive system Membrane around or covering vaginal opening
© Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 3 labia majora labia minora mammary glands menarche menopause menstruation myometrium ovary ovulation ovum perineum pregnancy PMS progesterone puberty sperm testes uterus vagina vulva Outer fatty folds of skin on either side of vulva Inner folds of skin on either side of vagina Breast First menstrual period End of menstrual cycles Shedding of the lining of the uterus Muscular layer of the uterus Female gonad Release of a mature ovum Female gamete, egg Area between anus and external gentiles Period from conception to birth, gestational period PreMenstrual Syndrome, irritable, depressed, tender brests Responsible for development of maternal placenta Stage of life when reproductive organs are fully developed Male gamete, spermatozoon Male gonad Female organ that houses the fetus throughout pregnancy Muscular tube between uterus and vulva External female genitalia