PRESENTATION BY ANTHONY AMUZU DIRECTOR OF SURVEY ORGANIZATION AND CENSUSES NEW YORK OCTOBER 2014 UNSD Country Directors’ Meeting: Ghana’s preparations for post-2015 and a Future Project
Preparations for post-2015 Review of Statistics Law to make it binding on government to provide funding for all programmed statistical activities (as is the case for general elections) Review and identification of new National Development Indicators
Preparations for post-2015 (2) Revival of Statistics Sectoral Working Groups within the National Statistical System Strengthen capacities of Statistical Units of Ministries, Departments and Agencies under the Ghana Statistics Development Plan
Assistance needed for strengthening data dissemination The National Statistical Office has set up a Resource and Data Centre with the following units: Data warehouse Data Production Data Service
Assistance needed for strengthening data dissemination (2) Linking the National Statistical Office to other agencies for ease of data exchange
What a future project can do Training of more personnel to manage indicator databases and data portals (to address the issue of staff attrition) Training of personnel in other data collection agencies to improve their data collection activities