Biotechnology Practice Test
Question #1 An organism’s chromosomes are part of its a) plasmid b) recombinant DNA c) genome d) enzymes
Question #2 How many microliters will a P-20 dispense if it reads 005?
Question #3 If you wanted to make sure your recombinant plasmid and gene of interest was cut in the right place by the restriction enzymes, which technique would you use?
Question #4 What is formed immediately following the work of restriction enzymes?
Question #5 What is the name for the process of putting recombinant plasmids back into bacterial cells?
Question #6 How does a restriction enzyme know where to cut a plasmid?
Question #7 The process of making two organisms with the exact same DNA is known as __________.
Question #8 What is the name of a cat that is given a gene to make dog ears?
Question #9 Which of the following is NOT true about viruses? a) They inject their DNA into host cells. b) They are capable of replicating recombinant plasmids. c) They are used to carry genes into cells d) They trick host cells into producing viral proteins. e) They are all true.
Question #10 The process that involves inserting correct forms of a gene into a vector, and putting them back into the body is known as _______.
Why do both sources of DNA in a recombinant have to be cut with the same restriction enzyme? Question #11
Answers 1)C 2)0.5 microliters 3)Gel electrophoresis 4)Sticky ends 5)Transformation 6)Recognition sequence 7) Cloning 8) Transgenic 9) B 10) Gene therapy 11) Sticky ends will match up