With your teacher…… Mr. Bruh Senior Health Marriage & Family Life
Course Goals And Objectives
Topics of Discussion for this course includes the following: Stress Management –d–defining stress –c–coping/managing stress in positive ways College Transition –F–Finding a college –C–Career choices –w–weight management –h–healthcare (mental, emotional, physical) –f–fitness centers –b–binge drinking/drugs –d–dating –d–domestic violence –d–date rape Marriage and Family –f–finding a partner/ ready for marriage –c–cost of a “dream” wedding –m–marriage project – Finding and affording a home Pregnancy –t–teen pregnancy/adult pregnancy –p–preparing for a baby –b–baby project
Course Requirements Within the marking period, students who are enrolled in Senior Health are required to complete and hand in assignments. These assignments may be in the form of homework assignments, group projects, and internet projects. You will also be encouraged to participate in classroom discussions, class work, and events that may occur outside of the classroom.
Evaluation Procedures: Quizzes Tests Research Reports Homework Assignments Class Participation Mid-term Exam Final Project or Final Exam (I haven’t made up my mind yet )
Grading Policy The process is so simple that a monkey can figure it out. Total number of points earned / Total number of possible points = Final average Let’s Do Some Math: If you earned 235 points out of a possible 320 your grade would equal……….. what? Answer: 73% or a C-
Class Rules No Food or Drinks! R-E-S-P-E-C-T Be on Time! Be prepared! No Cell phones, I Pods, CD Players, You get the point. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! So get your work in on time!
Failure to adhere to these class rules will affect your grade! Be a leader, not a follower!