Amanda Cordeiro, Joshua Ginsberg, India Richardson PLSC 366: Poverty and Political Voice Dr. Erkulwater
“The issue of race and crime is a volatile topic. Young black males commit a disproportionate share of violent crimes, leading many people to think that black communities harbor a subculture of crime. After controlling for other variables, such as concentrated poverty, researchers find that race alone has little effect on the likelihood of committing crimes or of being a crime victim. Blacks living in higher-income census tracts, like whites in such areas, experience low rates of homicide; only blacks living in concentrated poverty areas suffer from higher crime levels of homicide victimization. The coincidence of race and crime is partly a by- product of whites’ ability to flee high-crime areas; low incomes and housing discrimination prevent blacks from doing so (Dreier et al. 93).” Crime in Highland Park
A “Spot Crime” Analysis of Highland Park Dates checked: 8/1/2011 – 10/1/2011
“Spot Crime” comparison of Highland Park to the West End Dates: 8/1/2011 – 10/1/2011
Average Crime Rate in Richmond, VA
City-Data analysis of Richmond Police Force
Crime in the Community
Types of Crime in three Richmond areas Richmond Police Department:
Crime Statistics
Breakdown of Crimes occurred
Breakdown of Crimes projected
Registered Sex Offenders, West End &countySearchCriteria.excludeIncarcerated=on&orderType=asc&countySearchCriteria.offenderFilterType=1&countySea rchCriteria.county=RICHMOND%20CITY
Registered Sex Offenders, Highland Park pub.web.action.CountySearchAction &countySearchCriteria.excludeI ncarcerated=on&orderType=asc&countySearchCriteria.offenderFilterType=1&count ySearchCriteria.county=RICHMOND%20CITY
Juveniles Arrested for Violent Crime