Answer 5Ws & H Complete & accurate reporting Attend activity or event Interview subjects in photo Interview subjects involved not in photo Get photographer’s notes Research history of photo story
Storytelling photos raise questions
Ask the Questions Quality questions get quality answers Who What When Where Why How Tell readers about the event Describe the best memories of the event Tell us something we can’t see from photo
Get the Answers Who: senior Jason Chastain What: dances hat dance with mom When: final pep rally Where: commons area Why: tradition, honor How: selected by teammates “I barely remember shoving my way through the crowd to where my mom was waiting for me at the ‘W’. I just remember thinking that I couldn’t look at her or I would start crying. She danced the dance with me—that moment I will never ever forget.”
All the Write Words Lead-in Attention-getting word or phrase relating to the action/reaction of the photo Primary sentence Reports the most important 5Ws & H, showcases the most important aspect in first 5-7 words & is in present tense Secondary sentence(s) Provides details not obvious in the photo (when/why/how) & written in past tense
Idents Jason Chastain OR Senior Jason Chastain | senior football captain OR Senior Jason Chastain | senior football caption dancing pep rally hat dance
SummaryDANCEMACHINES Amid a frenzied crowd of fans, senior Jason Chastain joins his mother to perform the traditional hat dance as the finale to the state championship football playoff game rally.
ExpandedDANCEMACHINES Amid a frenzied crowd of fans, senior Jason Chastain joins his mother to perform the traditional hat dance as the finale to the state championship football playoff game rally. The Chaps won the game posting its first state championship in the history of the school.
QuoteDANCEMACHINES “I barely remember shoving my way through the crowd to where my mom was waiting for me at the ‘W’. I just remember thinking that I couldn’t look at her or I would start crying. She danced the dance with me—that moment I will never ever forget.” - Jason Chastain, senior caption of the week
Collective PUT YOUR HANDS HIGH IN THE AIR LEADER OF THE PACK. In the rain, senior Orlando Cutsinger encourages fans in the slogan that led the football team through state playoffs. OUTREACH. With his eyes on the prize, junior Marty Villanova concentrates on catching the game- winning pass. BETWEEN BIRDS. Sandwiched between the twin Chap mascots, senior Samantha Evans finishes off a cheer with the sign of victory.
Group FRESHMAN KEY CLUB RAISES $3,452 FOR CHARITIES Front (Bottom) Row: John Cutsinger, Shannon Williams, Rick Klecka… Row 2: Cody Cleavelin, Mitch Lorenz, Mike Hill, Kurt Idler, Bruce Nyman… Row 3: Alex Brunner, Rinn Cleavelin, Herb Stokes, Jimmy Browning… Back (Top) Row: Mark Herron, Steve Wirrig, Jack Wilson, Kevin Grandpre…
Editing Guidelines Refine captions for strong appeal Keep captions factual; no editorializing Include honest facts, figures & feelings Go beyond the obvious; capture outcome or consequences of the action Write first sentence in present tense; subsequent sentences in past tense Use visual nouns & action verbs Avoid repetition of words & too many “ing” starts Avoid beginning with names or group labels Avoid school name, initials, mascot Maintain style consistency Vary caption starting words on a spread
Practice makes Perfect Rewrite this caption: Ident Summary Expanded Quote Freshman Molly Stanfield gets hit in the face with a cream pie.