Gastouderopvang in the Netherlands To what extent is childminding a true alternative to childcare centres in The Netherlands? Tijne Berg- le Clercq November 30, 2010
Conclusion my plenary speech Over time, childminding agencies and childminders in The Netherlands have had to meet more (strict) demands 2
Central question of this presentation To what extent is childminding a true alternative to childcare centres in The Netherlands? 3 main differences: –Amount of child care allowance paid –Personal attention & flexibility –Quality 3
Difference 1: Amount of child care allowance paid (The governmental perspective) Maximum hourly rate 2010: Child care centres: € 6,25 Child minding: € 5,00 4
Difference 2: Personal attention & flexibility (The parent perspective) Pros & cons of child care services & childminding according to parents in 2007: Child care centres: –Pay attention to quality –Have well-educated staff –But give child little personal attention –Are not very flexible in their opening hours Childminding: –Is personal, small & flexible –Parents doubt its quality 5
Difference 3: Quality (The employer perspective) More (detailed) quality demands for child care centres than for childminding agencies: CC: Should apply for more permits CC: Should comply with hygiene code CC: Should create playground equipment logbook CC: Should draw up risk inventory & evaluation 6
Difference 3: Quality (The employer perspective) More (detailed) quality demands for child care centres than for childminding agencies: Maximum number of cared for children: –CC: 12 –Childminding: 6 Size inside and outside play areas: –CC: specified m2 –Childminding: sufficient space Pedagogical practice: –CC: More detailed indicators for measuring quality than for childminding 7