R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 Layer 0 Preparations Layer 0 assembly was completed Aug 1 The overall quality of the detector is excellent –No bad chips! –Installation alignment ~ 2-3 m –Full system test completed –Mockup installation testing successful
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 History The RunIIb silicon upgrade was designed to replace the radiation damaged D0SMT – cancelled by the Director 2 years ago - Sept Soon after we proposed a radiation hard inner layer detector to: –Extend the lifetime of the SMT –Smaller radius, low mass - improve impact parameter resolution – b tagging, lifetime resolution. –Provides an additional hit for pattern recognition. Uses R&D and people who developed the RunIIb technology
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 L0 Design Must fit in the ~23 mm radius opening in SMT supports Low mass, precise hit as close as possible to the IP (ref. CDF L00) –CDF L00 had serious coherent noise problems – major effort invested in grounding, shielding, and system testing Use RunIIb components and R&D –Hybrid, SVX4, analog cables, beam pipe, sensors, readout components very similar or identical to RunIIb designs. –New carbon fiber support structure using IIb concepts and experience New pitch adapter to accommodate dual sensor pitch with single cable type New installation scheme-required understanding of SMT support locations and openings Grounding and isolation constant concerns – L0 is a great antenna
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 Sensor Design intermediate strip m strip pitch Liverpool L00 studies Pitch values selected to provide >98% coverage Sensor length shorter near IP, lower occupancy, equalize noise Low radius, wide sensors imply wide clusters near the edge, position dependent errors Intermediate strips to improve resolution (want good signal/noise) Single sided HPK sensors with 300V bias radiation hard to 15 fb-1 (tested to 500V)
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 L0 Components Layer 0 consists of: 48 sensor/analog cable/readout modules of 8 types –7 and 12 cm sensors –x 4 analog cable lengths –71, 81 m pitch –SVX4 readout chips, BeO hybrids –Digital jumper cables Carbon Fiber Support structure Readout Components –Junction cards/twisted pair cables/adapter cards Installation components –Supports attached to the Run2a SMT structure –Tooling to install and align Layer 0 and extract the Run2a beampipe Hybrid end Analog cable SVX4 analog cable pitch adapter mesh spacer wrap-around bumpers Installed module sensor end
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 Noise and Grounding poorly grounded DØ prototype module total noise diff. noise #wires between hybrid and GND distance between analog cable and support The long (~34 cm) analog cables and sensitive SVX4 make L0 especially susceptible to coherent noise. CDF L00, a similar design, has serious coherent noise problems. These were addressed in L0 by providing an excellent ground reference and minimizing floating capacitance: Copper-kapton mesh ground plane co-cured on the CF support structure Low inductance strip connections to sensors and hybrids Minimum spacing (>400 m) between cables and conducting structures to limit capacitive coupling
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 Noise and Grounding II with ferrite without ferrite 40V pedestal total noise 10 diff. noise 10 L0 can potentially cause a ground loop between D0 north and south. Differentially isolated adapter cards are used to break the loop. This increases sensitivity to external pickup. This is solved by ferrite isolation of all power lines. RTDs passing under analog cables also will require filters. Noise performance: Total noise is ADC counts (1 MIP ~ 30 ADC counts S/N >12-15) Readout and noise were tested to be stable also during temperature and HV scans. PED PED RMS x10 Diff. Noise x10 Performance with real time pedestal subtraction
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 Component QC and Testing Component and assembly testing: –Sensor probe tests (VI curves, probe testing on a sample) –Pitch adapter visual inspection (require 100% good strips) –Analog cable plating designed to make it easy to spot open channels –Burn-in Hybrid before and after encapsulation Module after assembly and after final bond encapsulation –Module VI curves, quick readout tests after assembly –Long term tests of selected modules –Inspection and testing of DJC, twisted pair at KU and Fermilab –Extensive CMM measurements of L0 support structures <0.1% bad channels in assembled detector
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 System and Mockup Tests Electrical structure –Used first prototype support structure (good electrically) –Used 10 pre-production modules Tested grounding schemes, cable spacing, isolated grounding scheme Full system test –Two phases, half and full system –Used final versions of electronics and cables – components to be installed in D0 –Used for testing grounding, isolation, cooling and power delivery –Cold test to -8 deg C Mockup tests at Lab 3 and DAB –Confirm installation techniques and tooling –Practice and develop procedures –Make sure that the parts fit
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 L0/SMT Readout ~19’-30’ High Mass Cable (3M/80 conductor) Serial Command Link Cathedral Interface Board Crates (8x18) Twisted pair CLKs Horse Shoe 2 Chip hybrid Sensor 25’ High Mass Cable (3M/50 conductor) CLKs IBIB MCH2 VRBCVRBC Adaptor card SBCSBC VRBVRB PP C Monitoring SDAQ PDAQ (L3) VRB Crates (12x10) Platform SEQSEQ SEQ Controller Optical Link 1Gb/s Sequencer Crates (6x20) Around Iteraction Region MCH3 PC PowerPCs and Single Board Computers are accessed thru Ethernet MCH2 PC HVmodHVmod HV Crates (8x6+2x4) Cathedral Fuse Panel Bulk LV Power Supplies HV fanout 1=>4 HV breakout box VME Crate s (4x3) 25 twisted pair cables 17 twisted pair cables HV LV I,V,T Monitoring Jumper card Analog cable SBCSBC New for L0 Digital Jumper cable Weiner Supplies
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 Dzero Tests Four L0 modules/hybrids were installed in D0 during the fall 2004 shutdown –Used to debug SVX4 readout with full D0 readout system –Develop download and diagnostic GUIs –Exercise SVX4 power supplies, controls, adapter cards –Accommodate SVX4 data through online and offline software –We see ~5 count pedestal offset for crossing 119 – related to reset and control signals SVX4 readout test crate (x79) –Controlled testing of SVX4 readout –Development of firmware moduleshybrids
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 Technical Readiness Review Run2b project installation technical readiness review was held Sept 27 “This committee finds the Layer 0 detector to be of excellent quality, both electrically and mechanically…From the mechanical point of view, the D0 Layer 0 is ready to install…The software required for detector control and monitoring, as well as data unpacking, appears to be essentially in place “ Recommendations “We recommend additional studies be performed in order to complement the existing information from burn-in tests. Readout tests performed at D0 are encouraging, although some issues with pedestal stability vs bunch crossing number have been uncovered, which should vigorously investigated and resolved…continued effort to study and improve the grounding/shielding of the Layer 0 detector. …Given that the detector might not be installed for many months, additional work could be done to minimize the risk of an unsuccessful installation …We recommend planning for a software challenge to shake down all components…”
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 Timeline RunIIb silicon cancellation – September 3, 2003 L0 TDR to FNAL – October 28, 2003 Mechanical design specified – December 15, 2004 Sensors received – July Analog cables received – August 10, 2004 First test modules produced – September 2004 First production modules – January 2005 First module installed – June 2, 2005 Last module installed – August 1, 2005 System tests – July 1-12, Aug 14 ~ Sept 14
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 Remaining Work Mockups: –Practice gluing of L0 and adapter card supports to SMT2a support structure, another installation run-through SiDet: –Cosmic tests using spare modules –Final mechanical measurements –Testing of power supply and filter boards Readout at DAB –Pedestal jump at crossing 119 Write final procedures and ORCs D0 notes on modules, system tests, electronics, mechanics, NIM paper
R. Lipton, Director’s Installation Review Oct 25, 2005 Conclusions The detector looks very good –No bad chips –Tiny leakage currents –SVX 4 is robust and reliable –Noise is low –No pinholes, few bad channels Preparing for installation