Schoolnet II Curriculum Manager name Trainer/Consultant
Objectives Participants will understand how to: Navigate Curriculum Manager Recognize the hierarchy of instructional material types Plan for success Create and link materials Edit, copy, and delete materials Import files
Needs Assessment Have you already covered these topics? Locating existing instructional materials in the Classrooms module Creating lesson plans in Classrooms Submitting and approving workflow
Curriculum Manager Curriculum Manager is a tool that allows district-level users to build a course scope and sequence.
Benefits of Curriculum Manager Flexibility—you determine the best way to load curriculum. Load all materials as searchable, free-standing components in any order Link materials to create a scope and sequence for a full curriculum Map curriculum to courses and schedule it on lesson planners
How do teachers access curriculum? If you build curriculum and map it to courses, teachers will see a link to the curriculum for their selected classes You can push mapped curriculum to teachers’ lesson planners
Items Searchable in the Materials Bank If you use Curriculum Manager to load lessons, resources, and units, teachers can search for the materials in the materials bank and through the standards, even if the materials are not built into a full curriculum.
Suggested Materials Suggested materials appear automatically on the initial search screen unless this option is disabled.
Which suggested materials appear? Suggested material selections are based on: Upcoming assessments (materials aligned to standards on upcoming tests that had the lowest mastery rate) Upcoming instruction (materials aligned to standards that have been scheduled on the teacher’s lesson planner) Recent assessment results (materials aligned to standards on recent tests that had the lowest mastery rate) And the following rules: Lesson plans are suggested over instructional units If the user has no sections assigned or there are no suggestions available, the five “most popular” materials appear
What are the different “pieces?”
Curriculum Design Curriculum Curricular Units Instructional Units Lessons Resources and Assessments Think about the structure of curriculum in Schoolnet as a hierarchy of design elements.
Curriculum Curriculum: Course content for an entire year Relevant to a particular subject or grade level E.g., 8th-Grade American History Curriculum is the highest level of design in Schoolnet.
Curricular Units A series of curricular units makes up the curriculum and may also be referred to as the “scope and sequence.” Only Curriculum Managers can create curriculum and curricular units. Curricular Unit: Represents how the curriculum content is broken up over the school year E.g., the first nine weeks of the American Revolution 8th-Grade American History
Instructional Units Instructional units may be aligned to curricular units, and the duration for each may vary by topic, grade level, or unit of study. 8th-Grade American History First nine weeks of American Revolution Instructional Unit: Divides curricular units into smaller topics or units of study E.g., the thirteen colonies
Lesson Lessons are daily instructional plans that address a theme or topic related to a particular instructional unit. Lesson: Daily instructional plans E.g., “Who was Betsy Ross?” First nine weeks of American Revolution 8th-Grade American History The Thirteen Colonies unit
Resources and Assessments 8th-Grade American History First nine weeks of American Revolution The Thirteen Colonies unit Betsy Ross lesson Resources and/or Assessments E.g., video: “Making Our First Flag” Resources can be loaded in many formats and linked to other materials as desired.
Curriculum Structure Standards are linked to the curriculum and related materials. Courses can be mapped to the curriculum. History, Grade 8 Course 3050 Standards Subject Objective Student Expectation 8th-Grade American History First nine weeks of American Revolution The Thirteen Colonies Unit Betsy Ross lesson Video: “Making Our First Flag”
Material Types and Relationships Curriculum (represents the entire length of the course) Nine-Week SegmentResource Instructional Unit Nine-Week Segment Instructional Unit Resource Assessment Lesson Plan
Identify materials across grades that are going to be loaded into the system. Then prioritize the load order. For example: Math grades K–5 Special ed grades 11–12 Science grades 6–8 Social studies grades 6–8 Math grades 9–12 District Materials Inventory
Create a list of all the publishers that you use; arrange the list by subject and grade Ensure that the district has the digital rights to enter materials from a publisher into Schoolnet Ensure that the district has the rights to print materials (publishers can “lock down” their PDF files to prevent them from being printed) Publisher Materials
What is already loaded?
Inventory by Standard To identify gaps in the loaded material, perform a standards search and look at the number of materials available per standard and type.
Who will do what? Users with permission to use Curriculum Manager can create materials directly in the district bank No approval is required when adding materials How will you divide up subjects and grade levels? Will you incorporate units, lessons, and resources submitted by teachers?
Create one document style sheet or multiple style sheets by subject and/or material type (if appropriate) that include rules for: Font type Header font size Body font size Bold font Bullet type Image size Brand Your Curriculum
Creating a File Structure
Develop naming conventions for: Folder structures Newly created source files Titles: - Curriculum - Curricular units - Instructional units - Lesson plans - Resources - Assessments Creating Naming Conventions
Use the same naming convention across grade ranges and subjects Don’t include dates Be consistent Naming Convention Best Practices
Searching/Filtering for Materials Use filters to find materials in the district bank. Search materials by: Type Grade Draft status Subject Publisher Date modified Keyword
On the lower part of the screen, notice that all curriculum materials are sorted by title. Navigating Through the Materials
Setting the Number of Items per Screen
Types of Materials When creating new materials, first select the type of material you want to create. Choose to create a curriculum, curricular unit, instructional unit, lesson plan, assessment, or resource.
Material Properties Next, add information that will help categorize this item. Enter a title, subject, grade range, and description.
Saving the New Material
Creating Content Enter content directly in the fields; resize the screen as needed Use the menu to navigate from field to field Use the template and a URL or an attachment (if you use the template, add attachments in a later step)
Avoid using: Multiple spaces (use either an indent or tab) Multiple spaces do not translate well into HTML code. “Copied and pasted” columns The columns of text will turn into one column in HTML code. Keep it simple Simple can be elegant—the more complex the formatting is, the more issues that may arise when copying and pasting. Formatting Considerations
Aligning Materials to Standards Align standards to all materials (except curricular units).
Linking Related Materials
Adding Organizers Tag materials by selecting organizers. Tags improve “searchability” when using the advanced search options.
Editing One Item To edit one item: 1.Use the filters to find the item 2.Click View Results 3.Select the item 4.Click Edit
Editing One Item
Editing Multiple Materials Make mass changes to any of the fields on the Properties tab Select multiple materials—or different types of materials—to edit at one time
Editing Multiple Materials
Viewing Structure
Copying Materials To copy materials, use the filters to find the item you want to copy. Select it and click Copy. The same item name appears with the word “Copy” next to it.
Deleting Materials
Importing Existing Materials To import existing materials, on the Curriculum Manager home page, click Import Files.
Indicate the File Type
Browsing for Files
Importing Files
Adding Details to Imported Files
Importing a Spreadsheet Use the Import Spreadsheet File button to bulk upload large numbers of the same material type at one time, while keeping the Properties tab field the same for all of the materials Load materials as URLs The first step is to download a sample file that has the correct format; once it’s prepared, upload the spreadsheet
Selecting the Material Type
Downloading a Sample File
Opening the Sample TSV File
Using the Text Import Wizard
Entering Data and Saving the New File Fill in the required fields: SubjectID – Subject of the material Lograde – The minimum number in the grade range Higrade – The maximum number in the grade range Title – Name of the material Description – Description of the material
Uploading the New Spreadsheet
First, select the file you want to import and click Open. The Select Spreadsheet to Import screen will list the file you selected. Then click Import.
Importing Spreadsheet Files
Uploading the Completed File
Completing the Bulk Upload Last, complete your bulk-uploaded shells and align them to the curriculum If you uploaded the file correctly, you will see the materials you bulk uploaded at the top of the list All the bulk-uploaded materials will have a status of DRAFT
A curriculum may be mapped to multiple courses A course can also have multiple curriculums Department, grade, and course data comes into Schoolnet through the nightly SIS data load. Curriculum is created in CM. Curricular materials may be created in CM or in Classrooms. Course Department/ Grade Level 8th-Grade Math General Math AP MathAlgebraGeometry Curriculum Curriculum Mapping
Mapping Curriculum to Courses Map courses to curriculum to provide teachers easy access to their course materials.
Scheduling Curriculum
Unscheduling Curriculum Click Unschedule All To remove just one piece, click the x on the last day
View Published Curriculum on Planners
Curriculum is like a living organism that constantly changes, and therefore, it requires regular maintenance. Ongoing Curriculum Maintenance
Key Topics from Today’s Class Permissions Searches Creating new materials Editing materials Copying materials Deleting materials Importing materials Importing spreadsheets
83 Where can I find helpful resources ? DPI and Pearson have loaded a variety of helpful materials into Schoolnet including (search Home Base in Instructional Materials) Quick Reference cards End user PowerPoint's Training Scripts Schoolnet contains screen specific help on every screen ( to access click the ) For Hardware and Software questions click System Requirements at the bottom of My Schoolnet (main start screen)
Where do I find more information IIS webpage for further information: 84
85 Pearson K12 Technology Customer Education Self-Paced Distance Learning: When are we Training? Self-Paced Distance Learning, accessed via PowerSource, 365/24/7 Web-based “Mastery in Minutes” training includes short tutorials that are topic-specific for easy answers to simple tasks. Online distance learning consists of interactive courses approximately one hour in duration. Designed for adult learners, this type of training includes authentic assessment, interactive storylines, and hand-drawn graphics to engage learners. Unlimited access! LEAs determine who can access the materials Authentic Assessment to evaluate understanding of concepts Practice throughout the course
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