RIJEKA GATEWAY PROJECT - München, March 16th 2005 RIJEKA GATEWAY PROJECT - EXPERIENCE & VISION M.Sc. Bojan Hlača Executive Director – Port of Rijeka Authority Die Weltbank und die International Finance Corporation in Südosteuropa – Geschäftschancen auch für mittelständische Unternehmen
PORT OF RIJEKA AUTHORITY Institution established according to the Seaports Act and Law on institutions port area development granting of concessions for use and performance of activities administration with free zone control of entrance and departure of vessels Port of Rijeka Authority has been established in 1996 by the Government of the Republic of Croatia as a non profit Institution. Today it has 41 employees. It’s main activities are: managing, constructing and granting concessions for usage of port area; correlating and supervising the work of companies which deal with economic activities in the port area as well as managing the free zone.
PORT OF RIJEKA AUTHORITY concessions For use of port infra and superstructure, and carrying out port activities the concessions has been granted to the companies: “JANAF“ d.d. “LUKA RIJEKA “d.d. “ADRIATIC GATE” d.d. Granting of concessions for use of the port area and carrying out of activities within it, has been an assignment to which the Port Authority approached immediately after the establishment. I would like specially to point out the importance of concessions granted to five companies mentioned on the slide: Janaf, Luka Rijeka, Adriatic gate, Ganz luka Rijeka and LKM Impex. The Port area is spread over five basins. The total surface port area has about 2.000.000 m2 with 362.000 m2 of covered warehouse area, 7.183 m2 of operational quay with 39 operational berths. General cargo and bulk facilities have capacity of 9 million tons. The draft alongside the piers is from 5,5 m to 28 m.
. RIJEKA Shortest shipping distance from Central/Eastern Europe to Asia/Japan through Suez Channel
Port of Rijeka Advantages Transit time from Far East to Central Europe Rotterdam : 29 days + 1 day = 30 days Hamburg (Eurogate) : 31 days + 1 day = 32 days Rijeka (AG): 24 days + 1 days = 25 days Gioia Tauro (MCT): 24 days + 2 days = 26 days
PROJECT SAMSUNG The Government of South Korea, by the national EXIM Bank, approved to Croatia a credit in amount of 33,5 mil US$, for modernisation of the port of Rijeka It is installed new wharf and storage equipment for terminal Bakar, and two container gantry cranes on the container terminal Brajdica Intention is to, through the Samsung project, attract also a part of Korean cargoes destined to markets of Middle and East Europe – it has been signed a Contract with company SAMSUNG
CONTAINER TERMINAL BRAJDICA Turnover in TEU 1999 - 2004 remark: The biggest realised turnover up today was 52,451 TEU in 1989
BASIN BAKAR BULK CARGO TERMINAL Turnover 1994 - 2004 (in 000 tons) A part of The SAMSUNG Project is purchase of new reloading mehanisation for the bulk cargo terminal in Bakar basin. By this Bakar bulk cargo basin has become the biggest bulk cargo terminal in North Adriatic. Dry bulk cargo which is nowdays handling in the central part of the port, close to the city center, will be relocated to Bakar. The great advantage of this basin is sea depth of 18 m near warf. Turnover 1994 - 2004 (in 000 tons)
LUKA RIJEKA d.d. Turnover 1994 - 2004 (in 000 tons)
JADRANSKI NAFTOVOD d.d. OIL TERMINAL – OMIŠALJ BASIN Turnover 1996 - 2004 (in 000 tons)
OBJECTIVES OF THE RIJEKA GATEWAY PROJECT: Rehabilitation and Modernisation of the Entire Port Complex Harmonisation of the Development of the Entire Waterfront of Rijeka
FUTURE ECONOMIC BENEFITS FROM THE “RIJEKA GATEWAY” PROJECT Generate directly almost 2.000 jobs in Rijeka and more then another 1.000 jobs in the region. Most of these jobs will be in maritime-related businesses, others in companies dealing with tourists. Support a total of almost 15.000 jobs in the ragion, including direct, indirect and induced jobs associated with passenger flows through the Port of Rijeka. Revenue of the Budget of the Republic of Croatia according RMG Middle prospect of the throughput until Year 2020 should amount about 18.5 million USD, only from taxes on profit realized throught business activities in the free zone area. Contribute central, county and municipal tax revenues mainly through VAT and real property transaction taxes. Generate, by the year 2025, almost Euro 100 million in personal income for workers throughout the region. Produce business activity in the region mainly through spending of immigrants of more then Euro 200 million, by the year 2025. Create more then Euro 350 million in value-added in the region through spending of foreign tourists and domestic visitors.
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES In line with requirements given in the TOR for EA related to Project a public hearing and round-table discussion was organized and the Environmental Impact Assessment Report covering whole project – was presented. Representatives of state, county and city administration, professional and municipal services, NGOs, journalists and other groups of general public were invited, either directly or by announcements in media. The round-table took place on Jan 15, 2003 organized by the Port of Rijeka Authority. U skladu sa zahtjevima iz TOR-a organiziran je Okrugli stol na kojem je prezentirano Izvješće o stanju okoliša – draft report, a na koji su pozvani predstavnici državne, županijske i gradske vlasti, stručnih i komunalnih službi, NGO, novinari i ostala javnost putem direktnih poziva i putem oglašavanja u sredstvima javnog informiranja. Okrugli stol organizirala je Lučka uprava Rijeka dana 15. 01. 2003.
Planed road connection Port of Rijeka - Rijeka’s detour
BASIC REDEVELOPMENT CONCEPT Zagreb Pier Prague Pier Vienna Pier Passenger Terminal Zone Port Infrastructure Corridor
IMPLEMENTATION OF PORT AREA DEVELOPMENT PLANS RIJEKA GATEWAY PROJECT Project of Zagrebačka wharf restoration shall deal with construction of functional area on Zagrebačka wharf, which will be acquired by the filling of undisposed part of that area by material obtained through demolition of old warehouses within the port facility, as well as with construction of the part of the shore of minimum 250 m length
ZAGREB PIER The areas to be included in the Project are 28,500 m2 for the dock and the land surrounding the dock areas, 80,000 m2 for rehabilitation and 15,600 m2 for the port infrastructure corridor, where the following works are planned: The construction of a new dock The renovation, relocation and demolition of the existing warehouses or sheds The construction of open sheds and warehouses The extension of the existing railway tracks The renovation and construction of pavement The installation of utilities including water, electricity and lighting.
ZAGREB PIER Present Situation
ZAGREB PIER Phase I. Stage 1.
ZAGREB PIER Phase I. Stage 1.
ZAGREB PIER Phase I. Stage 2.
ZAGREB PIER Phase I. Stage 2.
HISTORY: 1853 – the first shipping line from Rijeka to Zadar 1860 – the first Adriatic Coastline from Rijeka to Kotor Steam ship company “Ungaro Croata” run daily 26 shipping services 1950 – 1.452.612 passengers – the largest sea passenger traffic
PASSENGER TERMINAL TURNOVER 1990 - 2004 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Passengers Vechiles 1990 148.783 16.689 1991 116.442 16.784 1992 265.193 38.467 1993 232.262 49.206 1994 187.615 31.692 1995 141.986 25.486 1996 119.100 23.463 1997 103.084 20.138 1998 93.277 18.396 1999 81.811 16.350 2000 98.439 20.502 2001 112.715 24.134 2002 153.991 24.165 2003 183.203 24.665 2004 204.915 20.847
IMPLEMENTATION OF PORT AREA DEVELOPMENT PLANS RIJEKA GATEWAY PROJECT (PORT / URBAN AREA REDEVELOPMENT) Start of passengers port modernisation New nautical centre Moving the present handling and storage to the western part of the port is condition for possible development of Delta area and Porto Baros
Vision of future outlook URBAN REDEVELOPMENT AREA Vision of future outlook ( according BOT model )