How do I create a timeline? Creating! By Mrs. Kathy Fiol
What do you need to create your timeline? Read Write Think website Read Write Think website Biography information Biography information The next slides will walk you through the steps for creating a timeline. The next slides will walk you through the steps for creating a timeline.
Open the software Open your browser and type in: Open your browser and type in: Click on the homepage for Click on the homepage for You should be on the readwritethink homepage You should be on the readwritethink homepage
Opening the timeline In the lower left hand corner there is a search box. In the lower left hand corner there is a search box. Put your cursor in the box ‘Search for keyword’ and type in the word timeline. Put your cursor in the box ‘Search for keyword’ and type in the word timeline. From the results box choose: Classroom Resources, Grade K- 12 Timeline. From the results box choose: Classroom Resources, Grade K- 12 Timeline.
Getting started…. You should have this picture showing with a ‘Get Started’ box You should have this picture showing with a ‘Get Started’ box Click on “Get Started”. Click on “Get Started”.
Title, Author, and Time
Title, Author and Time Type in the title of your timeline. Type in the title of your timeline. Watch spelling, grammar, etc. Watch spelling, grammar, etc. You are the author. You are the author. Click on the Choose Time box and select the one that matches. We will use “time”. Click on the Choose Time box and select the one that matches. We will use “time”. Then click Next Entry at the top. Then click Next Entry at the top. See a sample on the next slide. See a sample on the next slide.
Sample Completed
Time, Title, Description Now you will begin entering your events one at a time. Now you will begin entering your events one at a time.
Sample Completed
Finished When you are done entering events, click on Finished and you will get this message: When you are done entering events, click on Finished and you will get this message:
Finished You will get a box that asks you if you want a vertical or horizontal timeline – your choice! You will get a box that asks you if you want a vertical or horizontal timeline – your choice!
Printing and Saving When the print box comes up, chose to print the timeline in Adobe PDF. When the print box comes up, chose to print the timeline in Adobe PDF. Name the Timeline like this “Mrs. Fiol’s Timeline Avi” Name the Timeline like this “Mrs. Fiol’s Timeline Avi” Save it in your online folder Save it in your online folder
Next Step….. Close out this PowerPoint and go to the next step on the website. Close out this PowerPoint and go to the next step on the website.