EFFECTIVE TRANSITIONS Transitions could be overt phrases that link one idea or sentence to the next. Trying to do block scheduling at the junior high level won’t work because junior high students can’t sit still for more than 20 minutes. Furthermore, the junior high school program is organized by trimester.
EFFECTIVE TRANSITIONS … or subtle ways of linking one idea or sentence to the next. A simple misunderstanding, then, can become a major stumbling block in communicating with parents. This stumbling block can lead to embarrassing situations.
EFFECTIVE TRANSITIONS Should provide smooth movement from one paragraph to the next EXAMPLES: furthermore, consequently, as a result, for example, finally, however, on the other hand, next
PRACTICE: Choose the sentence that best follows the given sentence The materials were assembled and I was ready to begin work immediately. A.I attacked the Spanish translation, which I dreaded the most. B.First, I attacked the Spanish translation, which I dreaded the most
Reading a textbook assignment actively, therefore, is an excellent way to use your study time most effectively. A. Another effective study habit is that of raising the right questions as you read. B. You should learn to raise the right questions as you read.
Documenting Sources WITH AUTHOR AND PAGE NUMBER AVAILABLE (EMBEDDED) Dwight is a bully who takes out his anger and insecurity on those who are weaker than he is. While hunting, he boosts his ego by "kill[ing] anything he [sees]. He kill[s] chipmunks, squirrels, blue jays, and robins" (Wolff 171). embedded author’s last name page number period after citation
Do not leave your quotes "naked." Make sure they are clearly connected to the argument you are trying to make. BAD: After June's humiliating piano recital, Waverly adds insult to injury. "You aren't a genius like me" (Tan 151). GOOD: After June's humiliating piano recital, Waverly adds insult to injury by declaring, "You aren't a genius like me" (Tan 151). Embedded Quotes
Use brackets: CChange the tense “This [is] our time to prosper” – changing the tense “Brooklyn alone has 8 percent of lead poisoning [victims] nationwide” cclarify a pronoun “They’d [the sweat bees] get into your mouth, ears, eyes, nose. You’d feel them all over you” Using Brackets and Ellipsis
Use Ellipsis: SShow that part of the quote is not shown. Original—“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America” New version with omitted words–“We the people... in order to form a more perfect Union... establish this Constitution for the United States of America”
If there is a quote within the quote you are using, then use single quotation marks to set off the inner quote. Ex.: When Lena shows Ying-Ying around her new house, “Ying-Ying complains that ‘the slant of the floor makes me feel as if I am running down hill'" (Tan 163).