Today’s Agenda Review from yesterday Non-verbal communication Safari Adventure
Let’s Review What are the 4 main steps to helping communication anxiety? Name the two types of barriers that can interrupt the communications process and provide examples of each.
Non-Verbal Communication Accounts for up to 90% of communication, leaving only 10% for what you actually say! Includes posture, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, tone, and appearance
Nonverbal Communication Favorable Message Unfavorable Message Dressed appropriately, practiced good hygiene Make eye contact with audience Stand straight, using hand gestures to emphasize key points Smile, raise eyebrows to brighten eyes Sloppy, casual, or inappropriate dress, disregard for personal hygiene Looking at the floor or at notes, not audience Slouching, pacing by the podium, leaning on the podium Crossing arms, frowning, and scowling
Safari Adventure: Testing your speaking skills Each group will be given a picture of a strange, bizarre animal. It’s your job to write a short informative speech describing the animal to the rest of the class (they won’t see the picture until after your speech!). It should be about 2- 3 minutes in length, and each person MUST speak during the time limit (try to break speaking parts up evenly). I’ll be giving participation points, and the class will give feedback after each presentation.