Right Relationships Mean Right Living Chapter 11 Romans 12-13.


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Presentation transcript:

Right Relationships Mean Right Living Chapter 11 Romans 12-13

Practical duties based on doctrines –Doctrines and duty go together –What we believe determines how we behave –Key idea: relationships Our Relationship to God (12:1-2) –Fourth “therefore” in Romans –Dedication to God: body, mind, & will –You give God your body (1) God’s temple (I Cor 6:19-20) Holy Spirit indwells within the believer (Rom 8:9) Instruments of righteousness (Rom 6:13)

Sacrifices –Dead in O.T. –Living in N.T. »Isaac (Gen 22): willingly & dead to self »Jesus Christ: Died as a sacrifice & living sacrifice in heaven; high priest (Heb 4:14-16) & advocate (I John 2:1) –Present: to present once & for all »Definite commitment »Right response to all that God has done for us »Our reasonable service or spiritual worship –You give God your mind (2a) Control by the world vs transformation by God Transform: transfigure (Matt 17:2) Metamorphosis: change from within

Conformer vs transformer Transformed by using God’s Word –You give God your will (2b) The mind control the body & the will control the mind Attempted willpower will fail (Rom 7:15-21) Yield the will to God –Disciplined prayer –Time on God’s Word Our relationship to Other Believers (12:3-16) –We belong to each other, minister to each other, & need each other

–Essentials Honest evaluation (3) –Overrated believers –Undervalued believers –Spiritual gifts: accept & use them to honor God (I Cor 15:10) Faithful cooperation (4-8) – Gifts used for the good of the church & dedicated to God »No gifts should be overemphasized over other gifts (I Cor 12: 29-30) »No gifts without the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5: & I Cor 13) Loving participation (9-16) –Emphasis on attitudes –Love (I Cor 13)

–Circulatory system of the spiritual body –Honest love (9) & humble (10) –Preferring one another: treating another is more important than yourselves (Phil 2:1-4) –Serving Christ means Satan’s opposition & days of discouragement »Maintain the spiritual zeal: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, & faithful in prayer” (12:12) –Feelings of others: Christian fellowship »Sharing burdens & blessings »Purpose to grow together & glorify God Our Relationship to Our Enemies (12:17- 21) –The believers like Paul & Jesus had enemies Of their own household ( Matt 10:36) Some have enemies because of lack of love &

patience & they are not faithful in witness Christians should return good for evil, not seeking revenge Require love & faith –“Give place to wrath” (Deut 32:35) Romans 12:20 – Therefore if their enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in doing so there shalt heap coals of fire on his head (Prov.25:21-22; Matt 5:44-48) Don’t protect yourselves; just obey the Lord& leave the results with Him Overcome evil with good (21) Our Relationship to the State (13:1-4)

–God established 3 institutions The home (Gen 2:18-25) The government (Gen 9:1-17) The church (Acts 2) –Reasons Christians must subject to the law of the state (government) For the wrath’s sake (1-4) –Authority to rule comes from God –Resistance to the law is the resistance to God »Reasons: Humankind is sinful –Capital punishment (Gen 9:5-6) –Respect the office –Officials, the ministers of God For the conscience’s sake (5-7)

–If government’s inference with conscience, obedience to God is necessary (Acts 5:29) –If the law is right then we must obey to maintain a good conscience (I Tim 1:5, 19; 3:9, 4:2, Acts 24:16) –Romans 13:7 commands us to pay what we owe: taxes, revenues, respect, & honor »If not, disrespect to the law, the officials, & the law For love’s sake (8-10) –Love one another: basic principle of the Christian life –Love: motive for obeying God & helping others –Love covers it all –Owe no man anything »Bible forbids (Ex 22:25-27;Neh 5:1-11) »Charging of high interest »Robbing brethren »Failing to pay honest debts

–The bottom line: human heart is the very heart of the problem in need for the government. –For Jesus’ sake (11-14) Emphasis on the imminent return of Christ –Wake up (I Thess 5:1-11 & Matt 25) –Clean up (I John 2:20 – 3:3) »Put on armor of light, not deeds of darkness –Grow up »Put on Jesus: become more like Him –A Christian should be the best citizen