Welcome The Bright Futures Education Partnership
Our Community Charter To ensure that every child is prepared for school, succeeds in and out of school, completes a post-high school credential, and enters a promising career.
Why is Education a Community Issue?
One Community I’m sure glad the hole isn’t on our end…
How does the Whole Community Benefit from Improved Education Outcomes? Multi-generational families High quality, local talent for employers Vibrant local economy Raised standards of living Sense of shared pride Community Benefit
How Will the Partnership Work?
What is Bright Futures Partnership? A collaborative partnership, represented by all sectors, focused on improving community education outcomes and creating a better future for the benefit of all who live here. Areas of Focus Focusing on systemic issues Engaging organizational “silos” to work together Fostering county-wide solutions Role in the Community Catalyst for change Convener of thought leaders Broker of a portfolio of solutions that work
3-5 Dedicated Staff 20 Steering Partners (decision-making) 50+ Community Leaders (community vision) 300+ Improvement Networks (solutions) 500+ Contributing Community Members Who will be Involved?
What Are We Going to Improve? 100+ Indicators of Success (Data Team) 25 Priority Metrics (Data Team) A Dozen Metrics (Steering Partners) Priorities You See? Cradle Career
How Will We Create Change? Align around a few shared goals Form innovative, improvement networks Gather more data Analyze root causes Discover what works Design prototypes Develop & pilot solutions Measure, and share what works Stand accountable for community results, together Apply best practices for creating social change Stanford Social Innovation Review ( Strive Network (
Data, Insights & Opportunities
Talent Demand - # Jobs Talent Supply - # Grads 3 Pathways to a Promising Career? Certificate AA Degree 1, BA Degree 200 Certificate ($48K avg. income) AA Degree ($61K avg. income) BA Degree ($71K avg. income) (550) Talent Surplus (shortage) High School Diploma/Equiv. 1,240 #1 #2 #3 ($ K avg. income range; higher risk of unemployment)
Early Foundations Middle School High School College 20% Kinder Readiness 23% 3 rd Grade Reading & Writing 23% 8 th Grade Math 37% School & Community Connected- ness 82% High School Graduation 10%h 25%m 35%csu Placement Test Pass Rates 7K 1.5K 32% 4 th Grade Fluent English Learners 37% 8 th Grade English 33% College-Prep Courses (“A-G”) Key Outcomes 30% High School Grads Earn Degree or Credential Youth Dev Expectations Engagement Caring Adults
“This is a 10+ year, results-oriented commitment to transformative change.” WE ARE ASKING YOU TO: 1.Think beyond your tenure 2.Care beyond your own back yard 3.Believe we can transform our community Ambitious Commitment