Basic Facts about the Census Population count of the nation The Census is conducted every 10 years. Helps the government meet the needs of the community
What territories participate in the Census?
History of the Census The U.S. Census – Collecting 200 Years of Data Newly independent nation of the U.S. needed to take a population count (census) Purpose – to determine the number of seats in each state was to have for the House of Representatives
The First Census 1790 (right after George Washington became the 1 st President of the U.S.) What did it ask? Head of the household by name and all members in the household Gender Who was under the age of 16 or over the age of 16 Why? Determined the number of military men who would be available for military service.
Who recorded the Census? Census workers were called enumerators. First census workers took 18 months riding on horseback to record all information.
Expanding the Census The Census has changed throughout the years. Questions (inquiries) were added. Below are some important changes – manufacturing (quantity and value of products) 1850 – occupation 1890 – immigration and language spoken
Why do we conduct the Census? Here are some important uses of the census: The census count determines the number of your state’s congressional representatives and the number of electoral votes your state receives. Information from the census helps state and local governments decide where new roads, parks, schools, and other services are needed. Businesses use census data to make decisions about where to build factories and stores.
The Census Impacts Everyone! Dora the Explorer Promotes Census 2010 Dora the Explorer Promotes Census 2010
Privacy and the Census U.S. Census Bureau takes every precaution to protect people’s privacy. Federal law requires that no one outside the Census Bureau can connect people’s answers with their names and addresses. Census workers are sworn to secrecy before they are allowed to look at any completed forms. It is illegal for information gathered by the Census Bureau about an individual to be shared with any other government agency.
Privacy and the Census Continued By law, the Census Bureau is prohibited from selling or giving away any name or address from a census form. Information about an individual is kept secret for 72 years. The Census Bureau uses strict security measures to protect the information.
Now Let’s Make Our Own Census In your groups, make up questions that you would ask in the Tejadaville Census. Examples: What is your favorite subject? Have any of your siblings been Tejadaville citizens? Assign 1 person from your table to become a member of the Census Bureau. That person will meet with the other members of the bureau, and together the bureau workers will compile a census survey. Each member of the bureau will then return to their groups with the completed survey, and a new member of the table will be assigned as the enumerator. The enumerator will ask their table the questions. When finished the enumerator will compile the results on the board. While the members of the Census Bureau and the enumerators are working, you will complete the worksheets on the census.