[Vineyard Community Garden (What significant differences are there between conditions (pH and Texture) of Vineyard Community Garden soils that were planted last year with different crops (potato and corn)?)] [Bret Carey] Hypothesis If we check the conditions of the crops, Then we should find no difference between potato and corn soils, Because both crops are maintained the same Materials & Procedure: pH and Texture Materials: 1-8 milliliter test tubes with caps pH Indicator solution.5 g spoon Color chart Hands Procedure pH: Fill test tube to line 4 with indicator, squeeze gently Add sample up to line 3 Cap and shake gently for 1 minute Let it stand for 10 minutes Procedure Texture: Follow Soil Texture packet instructions Compare results to Texture Triangle to figure out percentage/s Results It turns out that “Corn 1, 8D” soil pH was 5, and scored “Sandy Clay Loam” in Soil Texture. “Corn 2, 1A” soil pH was 6, scoring “Silty Clay Loam” in Soil Texture. “Potato 1,7E” soil pH was 5, scoring “Sandy Clay Loam” in Soil Texture. “Potato 2, 4A” soil pH was 5, scoring “Clay Loam” in Soil Texture Conclusion My hypothesis claimed that there would be no difference in pH and Soil Texture between the 4 different soils of corn and potato. Only Corn 2, 1A soil had a different pH level than the rest of the soils, and for the Soil Texture, all soils were a type of Clay Loam (Only Corn 1, 8D and Potato 1, 7E soils were exactly the same texture, Sandy Clay Loam). So, my hypothesis could be partially correct, if you ignored the minor differences in the 4 results for pH and Soil Texture. The next question I have is, “Does the clay loam soil effect the productivity of the different crops?” Acknowledgements Bob Schaffer of Vineyard Community Garden for the time to show us the works and ways of this garden.. pHpH pH lvlpH lvl potato #1potato #15 potato #2potato #25 corn #1corn #15 corn #2corn #26 TextureTexture %Clay%Clay % Silt% Silt % Sand% Sand NameName Corn 2 1ACorn 2 1A Potato 1 7EPotato 1 7E Potato 2 4APotato 2 4A
Community Garden Data: Soil’s Potato 1 and 2, Corn 1 and 2 pHpH lvl Potato 1, 7E5 Potato 2, 4A5 Corn 1, 8D5 Corn 2, 1A6 Texture%Clay% Silt% SandName Corn 1, 8D302050Sandy Clay Loam Corn 2, 1A305020Silty Clay Loam Potato 1, 7E20 60Sandy Clay Loam Potato 2, 4A304030Clay Loam