Data Management at BNZ – LTER A Look at Old Data Management Philosophies and Integrating New Data Management Ideas
Outline Year in Review Year in Review New Data Management Philosophy New Data Management Philosophy The Upcoming Year The Upcoming Year
The Past Year New Personnel and Bibliography Search Engines New Personnel and Bibliography Search Engines Migrated BCEF - BNZ Hourly Climate Records ( Present: 2 million temperature records, 8 million soil records, 10 million other climate records (PAR, Vapor Pressure,….) Migrated BCEF - BNZ Hourly Climate Records ( Present: 2 million temperature records, 8 million soil records, 10 million other climate records (PAR, Vapor Pressure,….) EML Compliance for 131 of our 132 Datasets EML Compliance for 131 of our 132 Datasets Full PDFs of Bibliographies Full PDFs of Bibliographies
Data Management and Server Philosophies Datafiles > Datasets > Study Study > Dataset > Datafiles In Depth with Theory In Depth with Theory Does not lose “Bigger Picture” Does not lose “Bigger Picture” Pros: Cons: Hard to find Raw Data Hard to find Raw Data Hard to update Hard to update Searchable / Easy to Navigate Searchable / Easy to Navigate Easy to update Easy to update Raw data heavy Raw data heavy Pros: Cons: Original project idea becomes lost Original project idea becomes lost
Old Database Setup: Study > Dataset > Datafiles Study Dataset Datafile Search Level
Current Example Tree Regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Surveys Tree Regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Surveys Soil ph and weights Soil ph and weights Oganic layer depths Oganic layer depths Pre and Post Fire Seedling Counts and Diameter Pre and Post Fire Seedling Counts and Diameter Tree age cores Tree age cores Population dynamics of black Spruce at it’s Northern Limit in the Brooks Range, AK Soil Ph Tree Density Ring-width Chronologies Recruitment of Spruce
Biblography Personnel Dataset Site Title Old Dataset Search Architecture
New Database Setup: Datafiles > Datasets > Study Study Dataset Datafile Search Level
New Example Tree regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Survey, pre fire analysis Tree regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Survey, pre fire analysis Tree regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Surveys, mineral soil analysis Tree regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Surveys, mineral soil analysis Tree regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Surveys, organic soil analysis Tree regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Surveys, organic soil analysis Tree regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Surveys, seedlings analysis Tree regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Surveys, seedlings analysis Tree regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Surveys, tree age analysis Tree regeneration after fire: Yukon Lodgepole Pine Surveys, tree age analysis Estimates of White Spruce density at two elevations from 1600-present Population dynamics across latitudes of black spruce at its northern limit in the Brooks Range, Alaska Recruitment of black and white spruce in the Brooks Range, Alaska Soil Ph at black spruce sites at its northern limit in the Brooks Range, Alaska Standardized ring-width chronologies for white and black spruce at three sites in the southern Brooks Range, Alaska Tree densities of black and white spruce in the Brooks Range, Alaska
Biblography Personnel Datafile Site Keyword Category New Datafile Search Architecture
TRENDS: Dataset Contributions Active Layer Depth Active Layer Depth Seed Surveys Seed Surveys White Spruce Seedlings White Spruce Seedlings Tree Band Data Tree Band Data Vegetation Percent Cover / Count Vegetation Percent Cover / Count
The Coming Year in DM Robust Climate/Soil Search Engine Robust Climate/Soil Search Engine New Cutting-Edge Server New Cutting-Edge Server Level 5 EML for all Datasets Level 5 EML for all Datasets Improved/Updated Metadata Form Improved/Updated Metadata Form Standardization: Vegetation Code / Climate Logging / Soil Measurements / GPS:GIS (UTM) / Active Layer Depth Standardization: Vegetation Code / Climate Logging / Soil Measurements / GPS:GIS (UTM) / Active Layer Depth Migrate CPCRW and FLS Climate Records into Relation DB Migrate CPCRW and FLS Climate Records into Relation DB Generate Vegetation Database for Interior Alaska Generate Vegetation Database for Interior Alaska