September 29, 2015
Please copy this quote below the warm- up you have on page of 22 your ISN. In the space below the quote respond to the following questions with a thoughtful and complete answers. 1. How would you interpret the above quote? 2. When considering the price of progress, do you agree with Wolfgang von Goeothe’s argument that if you are not moving forward you are moving backward? “He who moves not forward moves backward. ” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Warm-up Bias and AA quiz Background on Colonization- Expert Groups Driven to Explore Homework: Howard Zinn Part I
Part I 1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ Part II 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ Part III 1.___ 2.___ 3.___ 4.___ 5.___ 6.___ 7.___ 8.___ 9.___ 10.___ Get out a blank sheet of paper and create the below answer document. Please be sure to put your name on the quiz, keep your eyes on your own paper and remember- NO TALKING. Get out a blank sheet of paper and create the below answer document. Please be sure to put your name on the quiz, keep your eyes on your own paper and remember- NO TALKING. Name: ____________ Class Period: _______
Read the handout provided to your group. As a group: Fill in your appropriate info box on the notes sheet Be prepared to share your info with your fellow classmates You have 15 minutes to get all the needed information from one another. Read the handout provided to your group. As a group: Fill in your appropriate info box on the notes sheet Be prepared to share your info with your fellow classmates You have 15 minutes to get all the needed information from one another.
“The Middle Ages” 400 AD- 1300’s AD Feudalism-Kings own lands that nobles/lords work on, in exchange for military service/protection. Lords divided their lands into manors, farmed by serfs, or peasants.
The Crusades:1096 AD Series of religious wars for Christians to capture the “Holy Land” (Palestine in SW Asia) from the Muslims. Led to increased trade of Asian goods. Feudal lords lost workers/power to the wars, cities and Bubonic Plague (1347). History Channel's Crusades
The School of Athens, or Scuola di Atene in Italian, is one of the most famous frescoes by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael.
Renaissance Art
Printing Press Johannes Gutenberg. Protestant Reformation: the weakening of the Roman Catholic Church. Started by Martin Luther- the 95 theses criticizing the practices of the Church.
After the Crusades, Europeans wanted Asian goods. Italy dominated trade networks to Asia. Other nations began seeking trade, and new trade routes by water to Asia.
Prince Henry “The Navigator” started a school that included astronomers, mathematicians, mapmakers, and navigators. Organized and paid for expeditions into the Atlantic and along the coast to Africa. Hoping to find African Gold (and slaves) Geographic/Navigational Knowledge Spread Christianity
Christopher Columbus tried to convince Portugal to fund his expedition to find a all water route to Asia, by sailing west, to get east. Portugal denied funding b/c he miscalculated the distance. Spain, after finally driving out the last of the Moors, now had $ to fund Columbus’ expedition. Hesitant b/c again, the experts said Columbus’ calculations were wrong (they were, he underestimated the size of the globe by 1/3.) Eager to compete with Portugal, they funded Columbus’ voyages.
A line drawn by the pope to divide the newly discovered lands between Spain and Portugal. Justification: Christianize, Civilize, expand empires/acquire wealth. (aka; Gold, God, Glory-the 3 G’s)
1. Sea route to Asia 2. Gold, silver, and precious stones 3. Expand knowledge 4. Expand empire 5. Expand Christianity 6. Animal Furs 7. Land and resources Major Players Spanish French Portuguese English Dutch Questions to Consider: 1.What motivated each of these nations to explore and eventually colonize the New World? 2.How did these motivations impact the nations’ explorers and colonizers relationship with the native population of North and South America.
Each group will receive a specific country to research. Using the laptops and books, please do the following: 1. Research the reasons your country explored the New World. (WHY?) 2. Who explored and colonized from each country? (Not specific names, but types of people.) 3. What were the country’s relations like with the Natives? 4. How successful was the country’s attempt(s) in exploring and colonizing the “New World.”
Create an informative group poster that your fellow classmates can use to gather specific information about each country. The poster needs to include: 1. Reasons for exploration 2. Relationship with the native population 3. Demonstrate your group’s opinion on the success or failure of your country. 4. Contain at least 2 drawn images/symbols 5. Contain a title with the country’s name 6. Completed neatly, in color, with proper grammar and spelling
For your homework tonight, you should read the first half the Howard Zinn chapter titled: “Columbus, Indians and Human Progress” When you are reading, you will need to do the following: 1. Begin a list of words used to describe the native population of the Americas and the Europeans. You should complete this on page ___ of your spiral notebook.