Drama in the English reading world Week 3?
What are we going to do today? -Instruction Romeo and Juliet balcony scene - Reading scene Romeo and Juliet -Working on assignment -
the most famous love story of all time 40 movies based on this love story The first one in – 1.07
Quote Wherefore art thou Romeo? Wherefore = __________
Most famous movie Directed by Baz Luhrmann in 1996 Starring: Leonardo DiCrapio Link – 36.32
Wherefore meaning: Wherefore art thou Romeo: Why are you Romeo? - Why did you have to be a Montague
For now: Reading the scene from Romeo and Juliet And do the: Verwerkingsopdracht
Any questions? Have any questions or you do not understand an assignment? Ask your teacher in class or use the Skype questioning hour. Mo till Wed 19:00-20:00 Contact: DramaInTheEnglishClassroom