Toxicology By Sarah Park 9D. What is Toxicology? Deals with the investigation of toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs and poisons. Provides analysis.


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Presentation transcript:

Toxicology By Sarah Park 9D

What is Toxicology? Deals with the investigation of toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs and poisons. Provides analysis of biological specimens for presence or absence of harmful chemicals. Interprets findings to support court proceedings. Using a variety of analytical instruments and techniques to analysis evidence. Integrates the principles and methods of many fields: chemistry, biology, pharmacology, molecular biology, physiology and medicine.

Toxicologist Toxicologists plan and carry out laboratory and field studies. Identify, monitor and evaluate the impact of toxic materials and radiation on human and animal health, the environment, and the impact of future technology. Careers in toxicology are divided into eight broad areas: - Industrial - Pharmaceutical -Academic/University - Clinical -Forensic - Regulatory - Occupational -Eco-toxicology

Death of Marilyn Monroe

The Death of Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe died on August 4 th She was find in her bedroom, nude, facedown, on her bed. Marilyn Monroe was an all-American success story. She had everything. Toxicological screening, autopsy, psychological analysis and many more where tested. The physical evidence suggests accidental death, murder or suicide, but even today no one knows the exact answer and proof.

Murder or Suicide? There are still un-explained events relating to Marilyn Monroe’s death. Here are the examples…. - There was no suicide note ever recovered - How could Marilyn swallow Nembutal tablets when no cup of water was found and the plumbing system was turned off? -Her autopsy results showed no trace or remains of any tablets in her stomach. -There are so many differences as to what happened during that time by so many people.

Bibliography  nsics/toxicology/3.html nsics/toxicology/3.html mlhttp:// ml toxicology.htmlhttp:// toxicology.html

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