Ms Mandigo’s Math Class All you need to know
Website and email address Includes: Class notes Homework Evaluation dates Tutoring hours * Every Thursday the website is updated for the following week. If you need to reach me my email is:
Contract The contract is posted on the website. It includes all the class rules and consequences. It needs to be printed, signed and handed in by next week.
Materials Pencils/ erasers Blue Pen Highlighters Calculator Geometry set Graph paper Loose-leaf 4 copy books (2 for notes, 2 for exercises) Binder
Textbooks and Work books In class we will use the Math 3000 everyday. We will occasionally use Panoramath, but those books will stay in class. I give handouts when necessary that will go in the binder.
Evaluations Every term your mark is broken down as follows: 10% Homework/Classwork 20% Quizzes 30% Tests 40% Term exam In terms 2 and 3 there will also be Situational problems. Terms 1 and 2 count for 20% each and term 3 counts for 60%.
Teaching style BYOD(Bring Your Own Device) Students are permitted to bring their device to class. I allow students to follow my notes on their device if they choose. This way I can focus more on examples during class time. Students are expected to copy and complete any examples given in class in their copy books. Students are expected to follow all the rules outlined in the agenda concerning appropriate use of the device. If the BYOD sign is on red . The students cannot use their device.
McGill Technology Project I am participating in a Technology and Mathematics project affiliated with McGill. McGill will be filming my class several times during the year. Students are not required to be on film. If they wish to be filmed I will be providing a media contract to be signed by parents later in September.
Where can you find me? C201 and B117