FAMILY GAME MARKET By Prasanth Shandragopal
RELEVANT FACTS MMany family video games are from popular family movies like Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean and Wreck-It Ralph, and Pixar’s. OOther family video games capitalize on motion-sensing console technology to concentrate on sports and physical activities IIn Nintendo’ Wii Party U for example parents play classic games such as Football, Baseball, Table Tennis and concentrate with their children on the Nintendo Wii U Console and gamepad. MMany parents and teachers take advantage of the educational value the genre of video games provides.
The top five console video games you should be playing with your family are: Knack: (PS4) Wonderbook Walking with Dinosaurs: (PS3) Wii Party U: (WII U) Disney Infinity: (PS3, WII U, XBOX 360) Lego City Under Cover: (WII U) Family Game Night: (WII U) GAME PLATFORM
ARTISTS Pablo Picasso 1. What Colour does he uses? He uses essentially monochromic paintings in shades of blue and blue-green, only occasionally warmed by other colours. 2. What Materials does he use? He uses common house paints. 3. What Movement is he from? He’s from Cubism is an early 2oth century avant garde movement 4. Describe his work/mood and Atmosphere? The mood of painting can be strongly influenced by its colours. His paining Colours are quite abnormal.
My Game Title Page!! Family Cubism Simulator Game (Football) Pablo Picasso Monochromic Blue & Blue Green 20 th century Mind Map Multiplayer Online Ultimat e Team Tournaments