Help Robbinsville Girl Scout Troop and Thea’s Star of Hope send some love to the Oncology unit of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia! We are collecting new items to make gift bags for the children. Please help by donating any of the following items: Crayola® Art Supplies Play-doh®* & Model Magic®* Games: Board Games, Uno*, Playing Cards* Movies: (No Rated R) New releases*, Current titles, Disney/Pixar favorites
Video Games for: (No Rated M) PlayStation 3 & 4, X Box One and Wii U Games* Infant and baby items: Light up toys, crib soothers, rattles, teethers, infant and baby toys, sound machines Toddler items: Board books, Fisher Price Little People* play sets, plastic animals and dinosaurs, Matchbox cars School age items: Lego’s*, Lego Kits*, Barbie’s, superhero action figures, plastic baby dolls, children’s books Starred items are the most requested. Collecting from February 17–27, 2015 in the all 4 th and 5 th grades classes at Pond Road Middle School Thanks for your support! Any questions contact
ATTENTION! Grade 6 th, 7 th & 8 th All sports forms must be completed and sent in to the nurse by All sports forms must be completed and sent in to the nurse by March 2, 2015 March 2, 2015 First Try-out March 16, 2015
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. “ You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ”