Sedimentary Rock 12/2/ pgs IN: What are the two compositional classifications for igneous rocks? How can you determine their texture? Which rocks fit in each category?
sedimentary rock sediment magma cooling, crystallization weathering and erosion compaction, cementation melting high temperature great pressure igneous rock metamorphic rock
H OW DOES SEDIMENTARY ROCK FORM ? 1. Weathering and erosion of rock into sediment (sand). 2. Compaction and cementation back into rock.
W EATHERING AND E ROSION Wind, water, ice, sunlight, and gravity all cause rock to weather into fragments (weathering). These small fragments are called sediment.
S EDIMENTS Sediments are transported from one place to another (erosion) Water Wind Gravity
C OMPACTION The layers eventually become compacted.
C EMENTATION Dissolved minerals separate out of the water to form a natural glue that binds the sediments together.
S TRATA The layers of sedimentary rock that form from the deposition of sediment. These strata form oldest on bottom, youngest on top.
S EDIMENTARY ROCK Form at or near the Earth’s surface. Their physical features tell part of Earth’s history. They are the only rocks that contain fossils.
C OMPOSITION 1. Clastic 2. Chemical 3. Organic
C LASTIC SEDIMENTARY ROCK Forms when rock or minerals fragments, called clasts, stick together. Sandstone Conglomerate Shale Names of clastic sedimentary rock are based on grain size.
C HEMICAL SEDIMENTARY ROCK Forms when minerals crystallize out of a solution, such as sea water, to become rock. limestone
O RGANIC SEDIMENTARY ROCK Forms from the remains of organisms. fossiliferous limestone
S EDIMENTARY ROCK STRUCTURES Stratification is the layering of rock. Strata differ from one another depending on the kind, size, and color of their sediment.
S TRATA Sometimes records the motion of wind and water waves.
C ONGLOMERATE Sedimentary rock that resembles concrete. Clastic Coarse-grained
S ANDSTONE Sedimentary rock formed from sand. Clastic Coarse-grained
S HALE Sedimentary rock also known as mudstone. Clastic Fine-grained
F OSSILIFEROUS L IMESTONE Sedimentary rock made from shells and coral. Organic
OUT: What are some features of sedimentary rocks?