Let’s play…… 丢沙包,翻花绳,踢毽子,套圈圈,滚铁环,跳房子......
世界搏击与中国武术 Martial Arts & Chinese Kung-fu
Question 1: There are lots of martial arts in the world. Do you know them?
からて (karate)
มวย ไทย Muay Thai
Jūdō じゅうどう
Can you show the martial art in your country?
Dre Parker 师父师父( shifu)
Spirits of Chinese Kong-fu? fighting ? revenge? war ? Cultivate oneself and defend justice.
止 to stop 武 戈 weapons Spirits of Chinese Kong-fu?
What do you think are the characteristics of Chinese kungfu?
Game 1: who is faster?faster?
Game 2
It’s a combination of strength and skill. Balance and practice.
Do you know them?
咏春拳咏春拳( wing chun)
Jackie Chan
醉拳 醉拳 (drunker fist)
Jet Li
少林 少林 ( shaolin Kong-fu)
Let’s play the real kong-fu
Fist-palm salute
Horse stance
Yes ! you are right!
Let’s guess what animal it is?
Xiang xing Quan (Imitation boxing)
Monkey boxing
Taiji Boxing
Can you do this?
太极扇 (taiji fan)
Have you remembered all?
five-step fist( 补充内容)