CUTTING BUDGETS with RBA Better Decision-making. Greater Public Confidence. The Fiscal Policy Studies Institute Websites Book - DVD Orders GENERATE ANALYZE DECIDE
GENERATE ANALYZE DECIDE CUTTING BUDGETS with RBA GENERATE: Traditional Methods 2. Across the board x% GF cut (w buy-back?)* 3. Program by program & line by line: admin - new/not started - reduce # served - reduce quality – cut provider(s) – cut entire service 5. Targeting matrix: non-mandated programs, low impact on life, health and safety 1. Darts Mandated Non-Mandated Low Medium High LIfe – Health - Safety Protect Deep end Cut Prevention Infrastructure 4. Revenue and restructuring: taxes – fees – reserves - incentives - investments Better Decision-making. Greater Public Confidence. *GF means General or Discretionary Funds. Buy-back means cutting more than needed and inviting re-application for over-cut funding.
GENERATE ANALYZE DECIDE CUTTING BUDGETS with RBA GENERATE: Traditional Methods 2. Across the board x% GF cut (w buy-back?) 3. Program by program – reduce # served – reduce quality – cut provider(s) – cut service entirely 5. Targeting matrix: non-mandated programs, low impact on life, health and safety 1. Darts 6. Least harm: to quality of life and service performance Plus RBA Methods 4. Revenue and restructuring: taxes – fees – incentives - investments Better Decision-making. Greater Public Confidence. Quality of Life As measured by results & indicators Program Performance How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anyone better off?
GENERATE ANALYZE DECIDE CUTTING BUDGETS with RBA ANALYZE: Traditional Methods 1. Triage: a. Politically feasible (winners-losers, press, geography) b. Administratively feasible (legal, implementable) 2. Impact: a. Financial Impact GF Fund savings, Loss of matching funds (if any) Cost shifting / offsetting costs (if any) b. People Impact Better Decision-making. Greater Public Confidence.
GENERATE ANALYZE DECIDE CUTTING BUDGETS with RBA ANALYZE: Traditional Methods 1. Triage: a. Politically feasible (winners-losers, press, geography) b. Administratively feasible 2. Impact: a. Financial Impact Disc. Fund savings, Loss of matching funds (if any) Cost shifting / offsetting costs (if any) Plus RBA Methods b. Population Quality of Life Impact: on key indicators c. Performance Impact: on How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anyone better off? measures Better Decision-making. Greater Public Confidence.
GENERATE ANALYZE DECIDE CUTTING BUDGETS with RBA DECIDE: Traditional Methods 1. Darts 2. Political self interest 3. Public good Better Decision-making. Greater Public Confidence.
GENERATE ANALYZE DECIDE CUTTING BUDGETS with RBA DECIDE: Traditional Methods 1. Darts 2. Political self interest 3. Public good Plus RBA Methods a. Impact on quality of life b. Impact on the performance of key services Better Decision-making. Greater Public Confidence.
GENERATE ANALYZE DECIDE CUTTING BUDGETS with RBA 6. Least harm: to quality of life and service performance 2. Impact b. Population Quality of Life Impact: on key indicators c. Performance Impact: on How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anyone better off? measures Better Decision-making. Greater Public Confidence. 3. Public good a. Impact on quality of life b. Impact on the performance of key services What’s different?
The Fiscal Policy Studies Institute Websites Book - DVD Orders THANKS ! And Good Luck !