Expanded CVISN Program Presentation to: ITS America CVFM Presented by: Jeff Secrist Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration August 30, 2005
2 Agenda Expanded CVISN Overview Expanded CVISN Deployment Strategy Expanded CVISN Program Management Next Steps
Overview of Expanded CVISN Program Program Goals Program Areas Expanded CVISN High Priority Capabilities Stakeholder Recommendations NOTE: THIS SLIDE IS A PLACEHOLDER PENDING A DISCUSSION ON HOW TO INTEGRATE THE TWO PRESENTATIONS
Expanded CVISN Deployment Strategy Cafeteria Approach Funding Plan Updated State Program Plans
5 Cafeteria Approach States will be able to select the expanded CVISN capabilities that they wish to deploy 2-3 priority capabilities identified by FMCSA 5-6 other stakeholder-identified high-priority capabilities Broader list of expanded CVISN capabilities (38) Other CVISN-related concepts
6 Cafeteria Approach Question How do we ensure that a “critical mass” of states deploy a capability that requires a multi- state approach (e.g., driver data sharing)?
7 Funding Approach SAFETEA proposed $125 million over 6 years for state CVISN deployments All versions of Reauthorization legislation currently contain a similar funding ceiling Each state will be eligible for a total of $2.5 million in Federal CVISN deployment funds to support its core CVISN deployment If states have already received Federal ITS funds for their core CVISN programs, they will be eligible for additional funds totaling $2.5 million less the funds already received All state CVISN program managers will receive a summary of the Federal ITS funds already provided to their states’ CVISN programs
8 Funding Approach (continued) New York Idaho Status: Deployment Federal ITS Funds Received to Date: $ 2,547,143$1,367,168 Future Federal CVISN Funds for Core CVISN: $0 $1,132,832 Future Federal CVISN Funds for Expanded CVISN: $1,000,000 Example of States’ Eligibility for CVISN Funds
9 Funding Approach (continued) Match Requirements All CVISN deployments funds will require a match Other Federal sources also can be used as part of a state’s match State contribution to a project must be at least 20 percent of the project’s total budget
10 Funding Approach (continued) Match Requirements Example of potential funding for a $2 million expanded CVISN project
11 Funding Approach (continued) Questions What types of contributions should be eligible towards a state’s match towards Federal CVISN deployment funds? State personnel time? Equipment? How do states track their contributions?
12 Funding Approach (continued)| Expanded CVISN Funds All states will be eligible to receive $1 million of Federal ITS funds to support their expanded CVISN programs Year 1--$100,000 Year 2--$300,000 Year 3--$400,000 Year 4--$200,000
13 Funding Approach (continued) Eligibility Requirements for Expanded CVISN Funds State must be core CVISN compliant State must have a CVISN program team comprised of representatives of all CVISN agencies and industry State must update its CVISN Program Plan and have Plan accepted by FMCSA Year 1 funds ($100,000) can be used to update a state’s CVISN Program Plan
14 Funding Approach (continued) Question Would states prefer to receive their expanded CVISN funds in a “lump sum” or over a four-year period Lump sum Advantage—State would receive $1,000,000 in a single year Disadvantage—State may have to wait for a year or more before they could receive their money Four year funding horizon Advantages—All states receive funds ($100,000) in first year of expanded CVISN funding; CVISN program plans being completed earlier in cycle will improve architecture review/compliance Disadvantage—Yearly funding allotments may not be sufficient to deploy larger projects
15 Updated State Program Plans Updated State CVISN Program Plans will document: State’s expanded CVISN goals and objectives Expanded CVISN capabilities to be deployed Business case (state and industry) for deploying the capabilities Expanded CVISN management plan State’s expanded CVISN performance measures Expanded CVISN funding plan Expanded CVISN deployment schedule FMCSA will provide the states with a template for the updated Plans
16 Updated State Program Plans Question What other type(s) of support would states required to complete their updated CVISN Program Plans?
Expanded CVISN Program Management Performance Measures Communication Plan Training Plan Architecture Conformance
18 Performance Measures FMCSA will evaluate the national CVISN program using a series of performance measures Output measures (e.g., increased number of electronic inspections, increased number of IRP registrations being shared with SAFER) Outcome measures (e.g., improved motor carrier safety, improved law enforcement efficiency/effectiveness, improved motor carrier productivity)
19 Performance Measures Questions What performance measures should FMCSA use to evaluate the national CVISN program? Outputs? Outcomes? Who should take a lead in organizing stakeholder input on the national CVISN performance measures? CVFM? CVISN working groups?
20 Communication Strategy Expanded CVISN Program will use a multi-faceted communication strategy State-to-state peer exchange CVISN program manager calls organized around regions or topics/capabilities? Stakeholder policy/technical working groups Maintain expanded CVISN working groups? Use CVFM? Industry input Working group of Trucking Association Executives? Flexible communication outlets T-3 conference calls? State CVISN summaries?
21 Communication Strategy State CVISN Summaries
22 Communication Strategy Questions Are there other components that should be included in the communication strategy? Are there specific communication outlets that should be included in the strategy?
23 Training Plan Basic expanded CVISN concepts will be included in on-line and T-3 training courses FMCSA will offer states customized on-site training and/or technical assistance, as needed
24 Training Plan Questions What topics should be included in expanded CVISN training courses? Are stakeholders comfortable with “distance learning” techniques? How will states train staff new to the CVISN program?
25 Architecture Conformance FMCSA will develop and support the necessary architecture and standards for the national expanded CVISN program FMCSA will focus its efforts on capabilities that require national and/or multi-state deployments (e.g., safety, security, interstate commerce)
26 Architecture Conformance (continued) Compliance with the national architecture will be a prerequisite for using Federal CVISN deployment funds FMCSA will consider compliance with the national architecture and standards when reviewing a state’s updated CVISN program plan
27 Architecture Conformance (continued) Question How should architecture conformance be ensured?