Celebrities Humor Emotion Bandwagon
Use a famous person to persuade audience to use the product. BOLD and Beautiful Promise of being (dancing, acting) like her if you use the product.
Who is the target? Appeals to people: *who like Brittany Spears. *who like Pepsi *who watch the Superbowl *people familiar with soda fountains. Is it effective? Yes – uses historical information (soda fountains) and a modern day celebrity to make it interesting to different age groups.
Do you know the celebrity? Do you know the celebrity?
Use humor to…… Grab our attention Make us laugh So that
Hungry? Hungry?
Who is the target?Is it effective? Everyone…who doesn’t like to laugh? Animal lovers Yes…..who wouldn’t laugh at that example? Something to talk about when you see Doritos in the store. Something to talk about when you eat Doritos at home.
Advertisements use different types of emotions to elicit responses that would result in action depending on the product. These types of ads work on everyone because everyone has emotions (except psychopaths). It’s whether or not you let the emotions get the best of you. Fear Fear Sadness and Guilt Sadness and Guilt
Bandwagon media techniques show how “cool” a person can be if they join the exclusive club. You don’t want to be left behind. Commercials could be targeted towards certain groups, such as age or hobbies. However, is this commercial pro or con bandwagon? Both?this commercial