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Presentation transcript:


GEOGRAPHY Mountainous - mountains separated different areas from one another. Promoted the formation of individual city-states

MINOAN CIVILIZATION (2000 - 1400 B.C.) Flourished on the island of Crete Traders in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Capital at Knossos 1. height of power under King Minos 2. palace has 800 rooms and no defensive walls Civilization dies out around 1400 B.C. (invasion or earthquake)

Mycenaean Civilization (1600 - 1100 B.C.) Built strong fortress cities 1. ruled by warrior kings 2. wealth through plunder and trade 3. Mycenae and Tiryns are major cities King Agamemnon attacks Troy Myceneans decline due to disasters Enter the Dark Ages

TROJAN WAR (1194 - 1184 B.C)

EARLY GREEK CITY-STATES chapter 4 sect 2 Aristocrats - wealthy landowners (landlords) when farmers fail to pay rent - they become slaves *TYRANT- gained power by using hired soldiers - could gain favor of people by freeing slaves Democracy – rule by the people (many) 1. 1st in Athens 2. populations are small so people can participate in government – Direct Democracy Oligarchy - rule by a few (Sparta)

ATHENIAN CITIZENSHIP Qualifications 1. male and free 2. parents free 3. native born Age 18 you take the oath Serve two years in the military Education (boys only) 1. ages 8-18: grammar, rhetoric, music 2. learned history and religious beliefs 3. sports and gymnastics Women in Athenian society had no political or legal rights

HEIGHT OF ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY Pericles leads Athens through the Golden Age 1. political thought and open discussion were encouraged 2. Athens is rebuilt and becomes the intellectual center of Greece and the Mediterranean

SPARTA Dorians enslaved the local population and establish the city of Sparta 1. slaves are called HELOTS 2. Helots outnumber Spartans 20 to 1 Government Organization 1. monarchy - 2 kings 2. council of 28 Elders - advise kings 3. assembly of citizens approve all decisions 4. five EPHORS direct the daily affairs of the people and watch the Helots

SPARTAN WAY OF LIFE Strong military state Military governs ALL aspects of life 1. babies are brought before the EPHORS to be judged 2. age 7 - boys leave home and live in military barracks 3. youths are expected to get by (survive) on their own 4. learned to read and write 5. married at age 20 - live in barracks for another 10 year 6. age 30 - men become citizens 7. Spartan women bear children Helots - the captured people who farmed

PERSIAN WARS The Ionian Greek colonies on the western coast of Asia Minor had fallen subject to Persian rule. In 499 B.C. the Ionian cities attempted a rebellion and were aided by the Athenian Navy The Persian King Darius decided to seek revenge on Athens and the Greeks.

PERSIAN WARS In 490 B.C. the Persians landed on the plain of Marathon (26 miles from Athens) An outnumbered Athenian army decisively defeated the Persians. Pheidippides runs back to Athens to announce the victory!

PERSIAN WARS Led by King Xerxes, the Persians invade Greece in 480 B.C. 7000 Greeks tried to hold them off at Thermopylae – led by 300 Spartans After the Greeks lose at Thermopylae, the Persians march to Athens and burn the city. The Greeks defeat the Persians in a Naval battle at Salamis The remaining Persian forces are finally defeated at Plataea in 479 B.C.


PELOPONNESIAN WAR In case of Persian Invasion - Athens created alliances with other Greek city-states. Sparta feared Athens growing power and created alliances of their own. Led to civil war.

PELOPONNESIAN WAR After 27 years of fighting, the Spartans win the war. Results of this war: weakened the Greek city-states no chance for Greek unity Because they were so focused on each other, they failed to see Macedonia as a threat

ALEXANDER THE GREAT Macedonia emerged as a powerful kingdom. Philip II - goal was to unite Greece under his rule and invade the Persian Empire. When Philip II was assassinated, his son Alexander took over at the age of 20.

ALEXANDER THE GREAT In 334 B.C. Alexander left Greece with 37,000 infantry men and 5000 cavalry. By 332 B.C., he had conquered much of Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. He built Alexandria as the Greek capital in Egypt

ALEXANDER THE GREAT Alexander defeated Persians at Gaugamela (near Babylon) He continued to the Indus River (India). his troops refused to go any further. He returned to Babylon and died there in 323 B.C. (he was only 33)

ALEXANDER THE GREAT The effects of Alexander’s Empire: Made Greece wealthy Created the largest empire ever at that time Spread Greek language, architecture, literature and art to SW Asia – Hellenistic Culture Created many Greek cities within his empire

GREEK ACHIEVEMENTS ART SCIENCE MATH PHILOSOPHY Sculpture, Painting Theater – comedies and drama Architecture Literature – poetry, history SCIENCE Astronomy – sun centered universe MATH geometry PHILOSOPHY Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Epicureanism Stoicism

GREEK ACHIEVEMENTS OLYMPICS First Olympic games held in 776 B.C. Ended in 393 A.D. (paganistic) Modern games began in 1896