The War with Persia As the Athenians expanded, they came into conflict with the Persian Empire. –In 499BC, the Athenians helped cities under Persian control.


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Presentation transcript:

The War with Persia As the Athenians expanded, they came into conflict with the Persian Empire. –In 499BC, the Athenians helped cities under Persian control revolt. –These revolts fail, but the Persian king, Darius, vowed revenge. Seeking payback, Persians landed outside of the city of Marathon in 490BC. –Outnumbered Athenian army defeats the Persians. Pheidippides, ran the 26 miles from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news that the Athenians had won.

Athens prepares for more… Athenian leader Themistocles believed Persia would attack again. –Athens built the largest navy in Greece, with 200 triremes! Darius died four years later (486BC), and Xerxes, the new Persian king, vowed revenge and planned to invade Greece again.

The Persian War Part II In 480BC the Persians invade Greece and head towards Athens. –150,000 men, 700 naval ships, and hundreds of supply ships. Athenians and Spartans put aside their differences and join forces. –In both of their best interests. At Thermopylae, 9,000 Greeks (including 300 Spartans) fight to hold off the Persian army. –Spartans are ultimately defeated.

“Go tell the Spartans, thou who passest by, That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.”

The Persian War Part II The Athenians evacuate Athens and retreat to island of Salamis. –Persians sack and burn Athens. In early 479BC the united Greek army defeats the Persians at the Battle of Salamis.

The Delian League After defeating Persia, Athens and Sparta form alliances to protect themselves from another Persian attack. Delian League –Athens and its allies. Peloponnesian League –Sparta and its allies.

Athenian Imperialism Over time, Athens began to abuse the other city-states in the Delian league… –Pericles used Delian League money for Athenian building projects. Parthenon –Athens sacked and burned smaller city- states that attempted to withdraw. Forced them to pay “tribute.” –Claimed that the “Persian threat is always near…”

Peloponnesian War - Beginning In 431 B.C., Corinth and Megara are being threatened by Athens to join the Delian League. –Members of the Peloponnesian League Sparta sends a message to Athens to “back down, or else…” Remember: –Athens = Strong navy. –Sparta = Strong army. What would you do?

The exciting conclusion… The Athenians, led by Pericles, decide to stay within the walls of their city and rely on their navy. –The Spartans surround the city. Two years go by… –A plague breaks out in the overly crowded city. 1/3 die, including Pericles. War lasts for another 25 years. –Finally, Athens surrenders when its navy is destroyed in 405BC.