Chapter 4 Section 3 Classical Greece
Objectives Describe the Challenges of Persia Evaluate the Growth of the Athenian Empire
The Challenge of Persia As Greeks spread throughout the Mediterranean, then came in contact with the Persian Empire. The Ionian Greeks fell to the Persian Empire, led by Darius, by mid-sixth century B.C. – The Ionian cities led a revolt, with the assistance of the Athenian navy, which caused Darius to seek revenge.
In 490 B.C., the Persians landed on the plain on Marathon, only 26 miles from Athens, where they were defeated by the Athenians. According to legends, news of Persia’s defeat was delivered by an runner named Pheidippides who raced to deliver the news. – After Darius died in 486 B.C., Xerxes became the new monarch and led a massive invasion into Greece.
The Greeks tried to delay the Persians at the pass of Thermopylae. The Greeks held off troops for two days, before the Persians passed through the mountains to Athens. – Greek fleet outnumbered in Salamis, but victorious. – In 479 B.C. defeated the Persians at Plateau, ending the war.
Growth of the Athenian Empire Greeks formed a defensive alliance against the Persians known as the Delian League. Main headquarters- island of Delos, but chief officials were Athenian. – Under Pericles, who was a dominate figure in Athenian politics between 461 and 429, the empire expanded. This is referred to as the Age of Pericles.
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Objectives Analyze the Age of Perciles Describe the Peloponnesian War Explain daily life in Classical Athens Evaluate Athenian Economy Identify the role of gender and family in Greek society.
Objectives Identify the role of gender and family in Greek democracy
The Age of Pericles During the Age of Pericles, Athenians took over the Greek world and became deeply rooted in their democratic system, which was a direct democracy. – In a direct democracy, people participate directly in democracy through mass meetings. – Officers in the Delian league during the Age of Pericles were paid. Most members of Athens, however, were not citizens. – By the mid-fifth century B.C., the assembly consisted of 43,000 male citizens over 18 years of age who met every ten days on a hillside east of the Acropolis.
Pericles made it possible for poor citizens to take part in public affairs. – Made lower-class male citizens eligible for public office, Athenians also devised a practice of ostracism. Athens- Center of Greek Culture
The Peloponnesian War Outbreak of the war between Sparta and Athens occurred in 431 B.C. Athens planned to remain behind the city walls. – Pericles knew Sparta could defeat them in open battle In the second year of the war, a plague broke out in Athens and killed more than 1/3 of the people, include Pericles.
405 B.C. : defeat of the Athenian fleet at Aegospotami on the Hellespont. Athens surrendered a year later, destroying the Athenian empire. This war weakened the Greek states – Over the next 66 years, Sparta, Athens and Thebes struggled for control. – This struggle made them ignore Macedonia, a growing power in the North.
Daily Life in Classical Athens Athens had a very large population. Before the plague there was about 150,000 citizens. – 43,000 were adult males with political power – 35,000 were foreigners, but received protection under law. Slavery was common in the ancient world. – About 100,000 were slaves.
Athenian Economy – Largely based on farming and trade. Athens had to import from 50 to 80 % of its grain, a basic in the Athenian diet. – Large Population, lack of fertile land. The building of a port at nearby Piraievs helped Athens become the leading trade center in the fifth century Greek world.
The Role of Family and Women Family consisted of husbands, wives and children, and extended family and slaves were considered family as well. Women took part in festivals, but were excluded from public life, and her chief responsibility was to bear male children. – Married at age 14 and 15, and always had a male guardian.
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