Fermilab Test Beam Facility Aria Meyhoefer (soon to be Soha) May 10, 2010
Location Meson Detector Building – West
Beam Delivery Tevatron Neutrino Line MTest MCenter Linac Booster 8GeV Line Main Injector P1 Line P2 Line P3 Line SY120
Operating Test Beam is allowed a 5% impact on HEP 6 sec event every 60 seconds for 12 hours a day 0400 – 1800 Stop for HEP Shot Setup (2 hrs) 3 spill options: Single 4 sec spill/minute Two 1 sec spills/minute Several millisecond level bursts per minute
Meson Beamline MTest Beamline MCenter Beamline MT4 Target: 30cm Al MT1 Target: 25cm Al MT6 Absorbers: 1.5m 120 Gev Protons GeV Pions 0.5 – 32 GeV Electrons Broadband Muons
New Request MINERvA experiment requested ~200 – 1000 pions/spill, with momentum as low as 200 MeV/c
Tertiary Beamline 1.16 GeV pion beam hits a copper target and steel collimator at the entrance to MT6.2 2.Particles emerge at a 16 o angle 3.Scintillator 4.Wire chamber 5.Wire Chamber 6.Spectrometer magnets to straighten beam 7. 8.Wire chamber 9.Wire Chamber 10.MINERvA detector
Tertiary Beamline
MINERvA Detector
Right Now MINERvA Engineering run: event rate: 50Hz = 200 triggers per 4-second spill trigger purity momentum distribution: peak around 700 MeV/c time of flight performance: better than 250ps Already 1 user request (SuperB)
Thanks Erik Ramberg Doug Jensen Julius Lentz Jim Kilmer & Crew Rick Coleman, Chuck Brown
Additional Slides
The Test Beam Facility World Class Facility Detector R & D focus 22 experiments 315 collaborators 94 institutions 20 countries *Data for 2010 is still being compiled
Particle Composition of Beam Beam Energy (GeV) Rate at Entrance to Facility (per spill) Rate at Exit of Facility (per spill) % Pions, Muons % Electrons 16132,00095,00087%13% 889,00065,00055%45% 456,00031,00031%67% 268,00028,000<30%>70% 169,00021,000<30%>70% If beam were smoothly extracted, 100 kHz or less would imply 1 particle per MI rotation would occur. Beam extraction is not smooth resulting in up to 35% double occupancy per MI rotation