OKCL’s MASTERING Series: JEE (Mains)
Series of Mock Tests to prepare the students for competitive national level engineering examinations Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd.
This year onwards… Last year’s list of competitive exams:
Odisha state to join JEE (Mains) from 2014 onwards. No one from Odisha was in the Top 70 of the AIEEE 2012 results! Just 1 student from Bhubaneswar was in the Top 100 AIEEE 2012 results! Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd.
PRESENT SCENARIOCHANGED SCENARIO Multiple entrance examinations for getting into Engineering colleges Single Test Students treat +2 1 st year as rest year Syllabus for JEE comprises of +2 1 st year syllabus as well No weightage for Board examination40% weightage Time was important in OJEEConcept clarity is important in JEE(Mains) Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd.
OKCL wants to help the students in this changing scenario with the help of its centers by providing: Best practice material at low cost Rigorous practice Concept fixation Time & Performance Gap Analysis Simulated JEE Entrance Environment State-wide ranking Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd.
Students who are eligible to sit for JEE (Mains) 2014 Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd.
To prepare students of Odisha to score brilliantly in Boards and Competitive Exams To give them the added edge over other students on a national level To give them encouragement, focus and support!
Preliminary tests: When the academic session finishes; there would be 21mock tests (online) taken having full portion of PCM in JEE (MAINS) format Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd.
In which of the following states is Jim Corbett National Park located? Uttaranchal Chattisgarh Uttar Pradesh Himachal Pradesh The difference between the options is very fine. Hence it forces the student to be extremely thorough with his/her concepts. Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd.
If the correct answer is chosen, detailed explanation of the calculation and concept is displayed. If, any incorrect option chosen: Message displayed would be: For Example, for any particular question:
Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd. Total Time taken Average time taken Test wise time taken Fastest chapter wise test
Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd. State-Wide Ranking
Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd.
Students will visit (ALC Name) and get themselves registered, pay the fees and start practicing on OES with the ALC infrastructure. Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd.
ALC registers its students after receiving payment from them OKCL generates the Login ID & pwd for the students Login ID & Password given after confirmation of payment Student is able to access the practice test via the computers in the ALC Every day, the student gives tests which appears in his log in Every day, the student attempts tests and receives feedback for it. Based on the feedback, he improves upon his performance and keeps practicing similarly. Student gives the JEE examinations Performs well in JEE Examinations Once the test is taken, it’ll disappear from the student’s login.
Fees per student: Rs 2247 Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd.
Practice examination for students To-the-point performance analysis Focused learning Excellent content at lowest price Concept clarity Odisha Knowledge Corporation Ltd.