1.As we learned, the last battle of the Revolutionary War was the Battle of Yorktown 2.The Treaty of Paris was signed shortly afterwards to officially end the war.
1.So? What’s the big deal? 2.What do you think? Why is this war so important to learn about? 3.How does it impact or relate to us? 4.Think and discuss!
1.There are many reasons why this war is so important but we’ll discuss three main reasons.
1.This war led to the creation of the United States of America. 2.Without this war, we would not exist today as a country. 3.If we lost and England remained in control then we might… a.Never have July 4 th as a holiday b.Pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. c.Have soccer as a major sport rather than American football or baseball.
1.This War showed the rest of the world that small countries can stand up for the independence. 2.Remember, our country had nothing more than a bunch of ragtag farmers and common folk to fight a war against the strongest nation on the face of the Earth.
1.The world may be totally different today. 2.Without the United States: a.World Wars I and II may have ended in a worse way b.Many countries would be at war with each other c.Modern medicine, science, and all technological advances may never have happened
1.Can you think of any other significance of the Revolutionary War?