Teaching Students Map Skills, Chronology, and Charts and Graphs Presenters: Jeannette Lampron Susan Apple
Essential Skills Timelines and Chronologies Maps Charts and Graphs
Pre-assessment Do you evaluate your students’ skills at the beginning of the year or before a major unit? If yes, then how do you evaluate your students’ skills?
6th/7th Grade Example
6th/7th Grade Example
Timelines and Chronologies
Important Facts Concerning Timelines Use equal increments of time between dates when constructing a timeline The USA (as well as most countries in the world) use a Christian calendar (Gregorian) BC means “Before Christ” AD means “In the year of the Lord” BCE (”Before Common Era”) has replaced BC CE (“Common Era”) has replaced AD If there are two BCs/BCEs or two ADs/CEs, minus the dates 2000 – 1945 = 55 years If there is one BC/BCE and one AD/CE, add the dates 2000 + 221BCE = 2,221 years
6th Grade Example
8th Grade Example
8th Grade Example Why? First wave not on the timeline Second Wave Third Wave Period of low immigration Fourth Wave (continue to present)
Maps Maps
Elements of a Map YES MAYBE NO
YES MAYBE NO MARYLAND COLUMBIA BALTIMORE ATLANTIC OCEAN Grid Coordinate Legend Key Source Title Print Pencil Scale Orientation Colored Pencils ATLANTIC OCEAN ANNAPOLIS Columbia Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Compass Rose MARYLAND Cursive Pen Blue land Annapolis COLUMBIA CHESAPEAKE BAY BALTIMORE
Elements of a Map NGS GMS Date Legend Orientation Orientation Grid Scale Title Author Index Legend Source GMS Legend Orientation Scale Title Labeling Author Date Symbols
7th Grade Example
Compare maps to explain population trends 7th Grade Example Compare maps to explain population trends
Enhance lesson with visuals 7th Grade Example Enhance lesson with visuals
8th Grade Example
Charts and Graphs
7th Grade Example
See the packet for additional examples. 7th/8th Grade Examples See the packet for additional examples.