AMNESTY WEEK: All outstanding work due this week – only thing you cannot make-up is midterm exam Check the gradebook Questions re units 1-7?
The Incomplete Request Form can be found in DocSharing. › You must complete the form. Your Academic Advisor CANNOT request an incomplete for you. › Incomplete Request Form due to me by no later than 11:59 PM ET on Tuesday, December 14, In order to obtain an incomplete, you must demonstrate › Good cause › Your ability to complete the work in the week allowed › Completion of approximately 75% of the required coursework. This means that the total potential point value for all of your missing work equals approximately 250 points or less. For example, the final project and one assignment equal 275 points (175 points points = 275 points). › Your ability to achieve success if granted the additional time If I approve your fully supported and timely request for an incomplete, your work will be due on or before 11:59 ET on Friday, December 31, › All of your incomplete work is due by Friday, December 31, No extension beyond December 31, 2010 will be allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS ! Summary: › Without an incomplete, all coursework is due by 11:59 ET on Tuesday, December 21, 2010 (the last day of the term). NO EXCEPTIONS. › Deadline to submit your request for Incomplete to me is p.m. ET on December 14, › If granted an Incomplete, your deadline to submit all Incomplete Course Work is p.m. ET on December 31, 2010.
Abacus Law is a legal specialty software that can be used for case management, calendaring, contact management, document management, time entry, billing, and client payments as well as other functions. SmartDraw is a specialty software that can be used to create graphics such as timelines, evidence charts, legal flowcharts, patent drawings, and crime scene diagrams.
Day, Week, Month, and Staff Views: * Why might you want to see “staff view?”
These are used to organize or find specific information in various ways:
How fantastic is this!!! What do you think of this program to conduct a conflicts check?
You can also use this program to track phone calls and messages, with a record kept:
This is one of the best features – why is the date calculator so important?
This is an system that allows you to synchronize with other technology:
You may encounter a problem trying to use the Help button in Abacus Law It appears that there is a missing link between the help function in Abacus Law and Vista The Help area will give you a link to Microsoft’s website so that you can download what you will need so that the help feature will function properly:
CompanionLink often comes bundled under special license with Personal Information Managers (PIMs), Web Based Calendars and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). Specially Licensed versions are generally equivalent to the Express version of CompanionLink. You can synchronize information you input on hand held equipment to personal computers.
A quick and easy synchronization system from any one Contact Manager database to any one handheld. CompanionLink Professional lets you combine data from multiple Contact Manager files, and from multiple Contact applications into a single handheld organizer.
This fantastic program allows you to do all of the following: Browse by files Enter time tickets to record time Record costs, payments, trust deposits, Track pre-bills and actual bills Write checks, maintain a payroll Monitor activity on accounts
What would you use this for?
You can create professional looking charts:
And decision trees – what might you use this for?
You can even create your own web design!
What features did you like best about Abacus Law? How about with SmartDraw? Let’s look at some of your timelines!
Pick your timeline format
Choose timeframe Sample timeline format
Add an event Where to attach and style 100& or more!
Saving the file and format (e.g. PDF, JPEG)
Now that you have experimented with SmartDraw, how do you see this software tool fitting in with your daily tasks as a paralegal? If you are currently a paralegal, what tasks do you do now that might be made easier and more efficient through the use of SmartDraw? If you are not yet a paralegal, not to worry. How do you see it fitting in to what you will be doing as a paralegal in the future? Think back to what you learned about the paralegal profession in PA100 and PA101. Post your responses to the Discussion Board and be sure to review and respond to your classmates’ posts as well.
1.Install the SmartDraw software 2.Take a look at the left side of the screen. You will see “New Document” at the upper left, with a long list of options below. Click on a few to see the available types of graphics you can create. Note: SmartDraw is not compatible with Macintosh; Mac users will need access to a PC. 3.At the very bottom of the list is “Timelines.” Choose a timeline template that appeals to you, and then select it. 4.Play around with the template; use the tools in the ribbon to change the text and appearance. 5.Visit for landmark U. S. Supreme Court cases. 6.Choose a case and/or topic of interest to you, such as the First Amendment. 7.Research in the Kaplan Library or locate relevant sources on the Internet and locate the history behind this landmark case. 8.Create a timeline in SmartDraw of the major events in the development of this case as it worked its way to the U. S. Supreme Court. Your timeline should have approximately 8-10 events. 9.Once you have completed your timeline, look at the upper left corner of the SmartDraw screen. There you will see four small icons: a PDF icon, a Word icon, a PowerPoint icon, and an Excel icon. Each of these icons represents the ways in which you can export your finished product. In other words, you can create a PDF of your timeline, or you can create a Word document, PowerPoint presentation, or Excel spreadsheet with your timeline in it. Play around with these options and try exporting your timeline into each format. Select one format to use (Word, PDF, Excel, or PowerPoint) and export your timeline. To do so, go to the SmartDraw icon in the upper lefthand corner. Go to "Export" on the dropdown menu and choose the appropriate format. Your timeline will then be exported to Word, PDF, Excel, or PowerPoint and you should save your document in that format. To avoid your timeline changing size in the new format, BEFORE exporting your timeline, go to the magnifying glass icon and set your timeline to 100% or higher. 10. S ubmit your timeline to the Dropbox by the end of Unit 8.
Refine Your Proposal to Solo Practitioner or Head of Firm and Create a PowerPoint Presentation 1.Refer back to your Midterm Project, the hardware and software proposal. 2.Review and revise your proposal to incorporate the knowledge you have gained in the second half of the class. Include recommendations for specific specialty software applications (if justified) and more typical technology tools and applications. Unlike the Midterm Project where you were to develop a proposal for a generic law office or firm, for the Final Project, you will revise the proposal for a specific type of firm, such as one that specializes in litigation or family law, and for a specific legal environment, such as a non-profit vs. private corporate practice. In your proposal, be sure to address the ethical and security concerns inherent with the widespread use of electronic communications tools. 3.Once you have revised and refined your proposal, you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation of key points (bulleted summary) in preparation for presenting your proposal to “the boss." 4.You will only turn in the PowerPoint presentation of your final proposal. 5.Submit the PowerPoint Presentation to the Dropbox by the end of Unit 9.