C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation CRaTER Pre-Environmental Review (I-PER) Environmental Test Planing Bob Goeke September 10-11, 2008
C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation Test Timelines Serial Number 2Serial Number 1 Science Calibration –MGHSeptember 15October 13 Vibration –Draper LabsSeptember 24-25October Thermal-Vacuum –MITSeptember 26-October 10October 31-November 14 EMC/EMI –ChomericsOctober 15-26(not required) Science Calibration –MGHDecember 8December 15 The MGH dates are fixed by facility availability; it was the best we could negotiate. The remaining facility dates are, within reason, flexible.
C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation Functional Test Procedures Short Form Functional –Tests all primary functionality including command and telemetry packet handling. –Verifies 1Hz clock and time message handling. –Verifies detector bias, detector leakage currents, detector noise levels. Long Form Functional –Tests every command bit and every telemetry data item. The only function not tested to completion is the Discriminator Mask (an exhaustive test would take >10 12 years) though each bit in the mask is separately checked (a 3-1/2 hour process). –Redundant 1553 bus is verified. –Instrument response to loss of 1Hz clock is verified. –Power Bus variation (27->35VDC) is tested. –Internal RAM pattern and FPGA internal logic test is performed. –Thick (D2, D4, D6) detector aliveness is verified by use of gamma rays from a 60 Co source; the thin (D1, D3, D5) detectors are not responsive to available laboratory sources.
C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation Vibration Testing Procedure: Test Flow –Long Form Functional –Low-Level Resonance Search –Sine Vibration Sweep ( Hz) –Short Form Functional –Structural Loads (10 g at 35 Hz sine burst) –Short Form Functional –Random Vibration (14.1 grms) –Low-Level Resonance Search/Sine Sweep –Long Form Functional
C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation Thermal-Vacuum Testing Procedure: Test Flow –Long Form Functional at 0C –Hot Survival at +50C –Thermal Balance at +25C and -30C –Hot Turn On & Long Form Functional at +40C –Cold Turn On & Long Form Functional at -40C –Seven cycles of +40C/-40C with Short Form Functionals –TQCM measurement at +35C
C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation Thermal-Vacuum Timeline
C osmic R Ay T elescope for the E ffects of R adiation EMC/EMI Testing Procedure: Test Flow –Long Form Functional (at MIT) –CE01 -- monitor primary science & housekeeping –CE02 -- monitor primary science & housekeeping –RE02 -- monitor primary science & housekeeping –CS01 -- normal mode with internal cal –CS02 -- normal mode with internal cal –CS06 -- normal mode with internal cal –RS03 -- normal mode with internal cal –Long Form Functional (at MIT)