Improving Student Performance in Middle School Mathematics Improving Student Performance in Middle School Mathematics The Year in Review Facilitators: Mike Klavon (Ottawa Area ISD) and Kendra DeYoung (Hudsonville Public Schools)
About this Project What? What? –To Improve Student Performance in Middle School Mathematics that will be measured by next falls MEAP results. –What must happen to improve student performance? We must change some variable! We must change some variable!
About this Project How? How? As a professional learning community, we will... –Work one step at a time to develop and implement assessment and instruction plans that are recommended by the research. –Record good ideas and how they can be implemented in your classroom. (Handout) –Choose one idea, based upon the research or strategies that we explore each day, to put it into practice and using observation to document the results of that change. (Action Research H.W.)
Day 1 Goals Form learning communities Form learning communities Deepen our understanding of the benefits of a learning community Deepen our understanding of the benefits of a learning community Deepen our understanding of assessment Deepen our understanding of assessment Create an assessment plan Create an assessment plan –Rewrite GLCEs with student-friendly language –Determine words to know for each GLCE –Create Pre and Post-Assessments –Create Answer Keys showing alignment to GLCEs
Homework Choose one or two ideas, based upon the research or strategies that we explore each day. Choose one or two ideas, based upon the research or strategies that we explore each day. Develop a plan on how you intend to put your choice(s) into practice. Develop a plan on how you intend to put your choice(s) into practice. Use observation to document the results of that change. Use observation to document the results of that change. Write a summary describing your change(s) and the classroom effects of that change. Write a summary describing your change(s) and the classroom effects of that change.
Oprah Moment - Study Island Online resource for assessment models. Online resource for assessment models. Class subscription. Class subscription.
Day 2 Goals 1. Develop an understanding of Marzano’s 9 Essential Instructional Strategies. 2. Develop an understanding of teaching through problem solving. 3. Develop an awareness of Understanding by Design that can be used as we begin to develop unit plans for our topics.
Homework Develop a plan to implement the content literacy strategy, the graphic organizer, the rubric or any combination of these to enhance the problem solving process in your classroom. (You may modify any of these to better meet your needs, but be sure maintain the essence of each tool. Develop a plan to implement the content literacy strategy, the graphic organizer, the rubric or any combination of these to enhance the problem solving process in your classroom. (You may modify any of these to better meet your needs, but be sure maintain the essence of each tool. Use observation to document the results of that change. Use observation to document the results of that change. Write a summary describing your change(s) and the classroom effects of that change. Write a summary describing your change(s) and the classroom effects of that change.
Oprah Moment! Teaching Student Centered Mathematics: Grades 5-8 Teaching Student Centered Mathematics: Grades 5-8 –My favorite resource…filled with lot’s of great information, ideas and activities!
Day 3 Goals 1. Use Released MEAP Items to Edit and Revise the following: Assessment Plan Assessment Plan Pre/Post-Assessments Pre/Post-Assessments Pre/Post Answer Keys Pre/Post Answer Keys 2. Begin creating instructional plans and lesson Plans
Homework Continue searching for resources to support your topics instructional plan. Continue searching for resources to support your topics instructional plan.
Oprah Moment! Gel Boards Gel Boards
Day 4 Goals Complete Instructional Plans Complete Instructional Plans Work on supporting Lesson Plans Work on supporting Lesson Plans
Homework Please read the article, “Narrowing the Language Gap: The Case for Explicit Vocabulary Instruction” Please read the article, “Narrowing the Language Gap: The Case for Explicit Vocabulary Instruction” Highlight or write notes in the margins with things that you were surprised by, had questions about, and or what to know more about. Highlight or write notes in the margins with things that you were surprised by, had questions about, and or what to know more about. We will be discussing this article during our last session in May. We will be discussing this article during our last session in May.
Day 5 Goals Summarize Research on Direct Vocabulary Instruction Summarize Research on Direct Vocabulary Instruction Creating a Word Wall Creating a Word Wall Concept Circles Concept Circles Verbal and Visual Word Associations Verbal and Visual Word Associations The Frayer Model The Frayer Model
What’s Next? Summer work extension opportunity on August 1 and 3 to create more assessment and instructional plans to support more topics. Summer work extension opportunity on August 1 and 3 to create more assessment and instructional plans to support more topics.