Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Thursday, May 16, 2013
1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.— Amen.
The Book of Proverbs Chapter 6 “Four Areas of Avoidance”
I. Introduction: Vs. 1-5, “Avoid Being Surety.” Vs. 6-11, “Avoid Laziness.” Vs , “Avoid the Seven Sins hated by the Lord.” Vs , “Avoid Adultery.”
V. Avoid Adultery Vs
Sexual immorality and adultery are addressed only four times after Chapter 8. Prov 22:14; 23:26ff; 29:3; 30:20
Three Themes 1. Verses 20-23: The importance of Bible Doctrine in your soul.
Three Themes 2. Verses 24-25: Bible Doctrine protects you from the adulterous woman.
Three Themes 3. Verses 26-35: The warning of the dangers and consequences of committing adultery.
Vs , The Importance of Bible Doctrine in Your Soul.
Vs. 20, Observe” - NATSAR, נצַר “Watch, guard, keep, preserve or observe.”
A command regarding the importance of guarding the Bible Doctrine resident within your soul.
“Do not forsake” – AL NATASH, נָטַשׁ The fathers desire for the son to not, “abandon”, his mother’s instructions.
Observing and not forsaking are two sides of the same coin; to fail to observe the commandment is to abandon it.
Vs. 21, “Bind” - QASHAR, קָשַׁר, “Tie” - ANAD, עָנַד To have one’s life bound up in the life of another, while being tied or wrapped up by something.
In Deut 6:6-9, Israel is exhorted to be sure that they observed the Covenant by keeping it in mind at all times and having its words and precepts as readily available as their own hands.
This is wearing Bible Doctrine as a chain of protection and exaltation around the neck. Memorizing them so that they are permanently impressed on the right lobe of the soul that prompts your every action.
Vs. 22, Knowing the commandments you are guided, kept, and continually instructed by them.
“Guides” - NACHAH, נָחָה A Shephard who guides his flock on a daily basis. Psa 23:1; 77:20
Psa 23:1, “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
“Watches” - SHAMAR, שָׁמַר Protection during the danger- ridden night, Prov 3:24.
God’s Word protects your conscious and your subconscious thoughts. It is a guardian over you at night.
“Talk” - SIYACH, שִׂיחַ “To ponder or consider.” To go over in one’s mind. Cycling Bible Doctrine in the morning before the beginning of work or other social encounters.
These three depict a relationship with a true companion, which Bible Doctrine should thus be to the believer. It is our shepherd leader, protector, and counselor, cf. Deut 11:18-23.
Vs. 23, “Commands”, are a “lamp”, NEYR, נִיר, and “Teaching”, are a “light”, OR, אוֹר.
“Lamps” in the Tabernacle were kept burning all night, Ex 27:20; 30:7f; Lev 24:2, 4. Doctrine is the continual presence of God, and should be cycling through your thinking continually.
The pillar of fire was a “light” for the wandering Israelites, Ex 13:21, that spoke of the Lord’s presence and guidance DAILY!
Light is used for good fortune, Job 30:26; victory, Micah 7:8, 9; justice and righteousness, Isa 59:9; guidance, Psa 119:105; and a bearer of deliverance, Isa 49:6.
Grace Fellowship Church Thursday May 16, 2013 Tape # Proverbs Chapter 6 The Importance of Bible Doctrine In Your Soul, Part 1 Prov 6:20-23; Deut 6:6-9;11:18-23; Psa 119:105; John 8:12ames H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2013 Prov 6:20-23; Deut 6:6-9;11:18-23; Psa 119:105; John 8:12 J ames H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2013