Round 4 8: Where did the elders of Israel come and ask Samuel for a king? #1 A. Jerusalem B. Bethlehem C. Ramah
Round 4 19:18 – When David escaped and went to Samuel at Ramah, what did David tell Samuel? #2 A. All that Saul had done to him B. That he married Michal C. That he almost married Merab
Round 4 7:14 — There was peace between Israel and the ___ #3 A. Egyptians B. Amorites C. Iranians
Round 4 12:19 — Why did the people want Samuel to pray for them? #4 A. Because the Philistines had people as sand at the seashore B. So their sins would be forgiven C. So they would not die
Round 4 17:23 — The champion of the Philistines, Goliath, was from ____ #5 A. Franklin B. Gath C. Mt. Juliet
Round 4 22: David said to this person, “He who seeks my life seeks your life, but with me you shall be safe.” #6 A. Jesse B. Jonathan C. Abiathar
Round The ark was taken here after it left Ashdod. #7 A. Ephesus B. Gath C. Rome
Round 4 15:33 -- Samuel told this person his sword had made women childless and his mother would be childless also #8 A. Eli B. Nahash C. Agag
Round 4 2:16 -- The priests’ servant was told this should be burned first. #9 A. The fat B. The lamp in the tabernacle C. The lamp on the hillside
Round 4 23:16 — Saul sought David every day in the Wilderness of Ziph. Who came to David and strengthened his hand in God? #10 A. Abner B. Michal C. Jonathan, Saul’s son
Round 4 21:9 – What did Ahimelech tell David was wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod in Nob? #11 A. The sword of Goliath B. The armor of Goliath C. The head of Goliath
Round – How was Jonathan described after he tasted the honey? #12 A. His countenance brightened B. He asked for a waffle C. He was afraid when he heard about Saul’s oath
Round 4 10:20-22 — The tribe of Benjamin was chosen. The family of Matri was chosen. Saul was chosen. Where was he found? #13 A. In the field B. On the top of the house C. Hidden among the equipment
Round 4 4:13 — Eli was sitting on a seat by the wayside watching. Why did his heart tremble? #14 A. His pacemaker wasn’t working B. Because of the ark of God C. Because Hophni and Phinehas were dead
Round 4 11:7 -- Saul’s anger was greatly aroused. What did he do with a yoke of oxen? #15 A. Yoked them to a new cart B. Cut them in pieces and sent them through the territory of Israel C. Offered them as a sacrifice
Round 4 16:4 – The elders of Bethlehem asked this person if he came peaceably. #16 A. Jesse B. David C. Samuel
Round 4 20:34 – On what day of the feast did Jonathan NOT eat any food? #17 A. The 30 th day B. The second day C. The 10 th day
Round 4 6:2-3 — The priests and diviners said the ark of God should be returned with__ #18 A. A trespass offering B. Silver, gold, and bronze C. The torso of Dagon
Round 4 13:13 -- Saul waited 7 days at Gilgal and offered a burnt offering. What did Samuel say to Saul? #19 A. Well done, faithful servant B. You have done foolishly C. Only priests can offer burnt offerings.
Round 4 24:3 -- Why did Saul go into the cave by the sheepfolds? #20 A. To attend to his needs B. To look for lost sheep C. To look for David