Presentation skills 1 Group work: discussion and presentation on the topic Qualities to Work in a Care Home 1)suppose you are volunteers in a care home for old people. You are chatting to prepare yourself to look after old people; 2)Questions on the next page can be used as your reference in the discussion. You can ask any other question in the discussion only if it relates to our topic; 3)Some group speakers will report your discussion result to the class. Clear and logic analysis is strongly recommended in your presentation; 4) The class vote for the best presentation.
Presentation skills Questions for your reference 1)Who do you think the old prefer to spend time with, a good listener or a good talker? 2)Who do you know is a good listener? 3)What qualities make them a good listener? 4)Who do you know is a good talker? 5)What qualities make them a good talker?
Presentation skills 2 Work in pairs and discuss the statement. It’s better to be a good listener than a good talker. 1)One student in the pair agrees with the statement and give reasons and / or examples and the other disagrees with the opinion and gives the opposite reasons and examples; 2)Remember to use the phrases in the box during the discussion and keep a note of the key points and examples; 3) Change the roles in a pair.
Presentation skills Functional expressions Giving opinions (informal) I reckon … / I guess … I kind of / sort of think... I think … Agreeing (informal) I’d go along with that. (I think) that’s about right. That’s right. I agree. Disagreeing (informal) I think you’ve got it wrong. I just don’t agree. I don’t think so. Sorry, but you’re wrong. Giving yourself time to think Let me see. / Let’s see. I mean, … You know, … Well, … Returning to the subject As I was saying, … Anyway, …
Presentation skills Example answers I’d go along with this opinion, because people would want to tell you something when they come to talk with you. If you don’t know how to listen to people, then nobody will want to talk with you. I mean, in fact, a good talker should be a good listener in the first place; so a good listener has both listening skills and talking skills without talking, if you know what I mean. If you think about it, listening itself is half of talking. I think you’ve got it wrong. To be a good talker is much better and demands more skills. You see a good talker would have listened and understood the audience and is able to persuade listeners to follow his or her argument and thinking; and later they act on the recommendations of the talker. What I’m saying is that a good talker makes action happen. You know, this is active, not like passive listening.
Presentation skills Example notes Agree: People only want to talk with a good listener. People who have good listening skills can talk without speaking. Disagree: A good talker must have good listening skills. A good talker can actively help listeners.
Presentation skills 3 Group work: debate Pros: It’s better to be a good listener. Cons: It’s better to be a good talker. 1)Two pairs make a group or alternatively make a group of five: Four of your participate in discussion and one acts as a judge or group leader who designs and announces the criteria (for example, clear and logical points, persuasive reasons, good use of the phrases in the box) for the debate which decides the final opinion of the group. 2)One pair starts the discussion either agreeing or disagreeing with the statement and the second pair needs to respond and give the opposite arguments. 3)The group leader gives the judgement and presents the final opinion to the class.
Presentation skills 4 Report and vote 1)Group leaders will give the key points of your debate; 2)The class vote about the statement and find out what the majority think.